
Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Scenes from Madagascar, by the Malagasy painter Emile Ralambo (1879 - 1963)

“Emile Ralambo was born in Anatanarivo in 1879, son of Rainizanany Rakotovao Razafindrasoalandy and composer Rainitovo. He attended the English School Ambohijatovo Atsimo. After graduation he became a teacher in Protestant missionary schools, where he worked for over 30 years in Fianarantsoa. As an artist, he was self-taught. His paintings featured Malagasy landscapes and life, and portraits including 'types' or social groups in Madagascar. The main buyers of Ralambo's paintings were foreigners who stayed in Madagascar as officials or missionaries. He participated in various exhibitions in Madagascar and internationally, winning medals in Antananarivo in 1952 and Vichy in 1960. His paintings are now held in collections across the world. He was married to Razanatsoa. He died in Anatanarivo in 1963, aged 84.”
-Archives Hub

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