
Sunday, October 2, 2022

A Kuba dancer wearing a Mukenga mask, representing the founding ancestors of the Kuba Kingdom, Kasai region, DR Congo. Painting by Norman Hardy. And a Mukenga mask housed in the Dallas Museum of Art.

A Kuba dancer wearing a Mukenga mask, representing the founding ancestors of the Kuba Kingdom, Kasai region, DR Congo. Painting by Norman Hardy. And a Mukenga mask housed in the Dallas Museum of Art. 

“The mukenga mask is worn along with a richly layered costume of raffia and beaded ornaments at funerals of titleholders in the northern part of the Kuba Kingdom. Its form and materials comprise elements associated with status and leadership, including cowrie shells, leopard fur, monkey hair, glass beads, and red tail feathers of the African gray parrot. A prominent trunk and two tusks refer to the elephant, the supreme symbol of wealth and leadership among the Kuba.” -Art institute Chicago

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