
Sunday, October 9, 2022


Do you know the idea of ​​Pan Africanism? What agenda does it have on Africa? Pan Africanism can get rid of colonialism today Pan Africanism can help Africa think we got fake freedom in the 60s Freedom to walk Freedom to eat Freedom to watch TV But not Freedom to build our countries Nor to invest heavily What does Freedom mean? in order for Africa to get rid of all these existing problems and start to be seen in the world, it must be like it was in the past, Africa became one and came to be separated from the whites, go back as you are so that you can win this economic war, you know why the agenda has grown. It is a great threat to the whites because it will destroy all the plans of the colonialists Today we see the whites getting rich because Africa is shedding more and more blood, they don't want to unite, but they are increasingly killing all the leaders who have ideas to build Africa. Then they bring leaders who protect the interests of the whites, starting with Kwame Nkruma of Ghana, the founder of modern pan Africanism, he wanted Africa to unite, he sang Sana, that song was released in power after surviving being killed 5 times, when Patrice Lumumba of Congo was killed by burning him in acid brutally with the whites because he wanted Africa to unite and start building its own economic projects, he was killed when Tomas Sankara of Burkina Faso was killed by the same Muammar Gaddafi he was killed by the same people Ababu wanted to unite Africa, you know why they don't want to unite, it's because your unity is their downfall, Africa is under your hands, don't want it if you see it, it's not your job, you know you are the one who brings it down if you feel there is a connection with it, do anything when you get a chance. here on earth see that

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