
Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Shilluk Kingdom, 15th century - 1861.

The Shilluk Kingdom, 15th century - 1861. 

Dominating a sizeable stretch of the White Nile in northern South Sudan and southern Sudan, the Shilluk kingdom was once the preeminent force in the region, ruling from their capital at Fashoda. 

This Nilotic state of cattle herders, sorghum farmers and fishermen was founded by the legendary Shilluk ruler, or “Reth”, called Nyikang, a prince who migrated north of his original homeland, possibly in modern-day Uganda, after a succession dispute with his brother.  

The Shilluk, who also refer to themselves as “Chollo”, were a warlike people that raided the Gezira and the nearby Nuba mountains, were embroiled in centuries of conflict with the Dinka, and at one point allied with the Sultanate of Darfur to attack the Funj, while later allying with the Funj of the Sennar Sultanate to contain Dinka and Nuer expansion. Ultimately the Shilluk came under considerable pressure themselves in the 1820’s when Ottoman-Egyptian forces started raiding the Shilluk for slaves, though the Shilluk, using little more than spears and leather shields, put up a fierce resistance and would not be totally subjugated until the 1860’s.  

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