
Thursday, February 2, 2023

"Whether we like it or not, we are living in a technological era and possibly at a turning point of history. Therefore, let us join hands to work together, in harmony, in the spirit of justice and under the banner of world unity."

"Whether we like it or not, we are living in a technological era and possibly at a turning point of history. Therefore, let us join hands to work together, in harmony, in the spirit of justice and under the banner of world unity." 

-Haile Selassie I, Speech to the United Nations, June 26, 1963.

The quote from Haile Selassie in his speech to the United Nations in 1963 provides an exalted view of the importance of technology in our current era and the urgent requirement to work together to create a unified world. Selassie's words suggest that the use of technology can act as a catalyst to bring together diverse cultures and nations, working toward a common goal of progress. 

In order to achieve this goal of unity in the spirit of justice, Selassie highlighted the need for all nations to join hands in pursuit of technological advancement. This advancement should focus on the betterment of society, with the use of technology in areas such as healthcare, education, communication, and transportation to improve the standard of living. 

Specifically, the effective use of technology in healthcare can reduce mortality and morbidity rates around the World, improve access to essential services, and introduce preventive resources to rural and remote areas. In education, technology can be used to create exciting and interactive learning experiences, with direct access to videos, music and apps, as well as providing teachers with helpful resources such as data analysis and oversight tools. Advances in communication technology have enabled people around the World to instantly share information and stay connected with each other, while transportation technology has increased access to goods and services, improved mobility and enable easy access to remote areas. 

At the same time, Selassie's strong emphasis on justice can only be achieved through its application on an equal basis. It is important to consider the impact of technology on the most vulnerable members of society, as well as its implications for social justice and equity between nations. Without adequate safeguards, technology can be used to perpetuate existing inequalities or exploit the disadvantaged. 

It is clear that technological advancement is necessary to create a more unified World, but its effective use must be guided by values of justice and equity. By joining hands, nations and cultures can work together to make use of technology for the greater benefit of the entire planet. 

5 Steps to Freedom : 

1. Educate yourself on current technological developments and the associated implications.

2. Join a community of individuals who are passionate about ensuring the responsible use of technology.

3. Advocate for initiatives that promote the full potential of technology while preserving the principles of justice and unity.

4. Develop or support projects that seek to use technology for the greater good of humanity.

5. Take part in conversations that are centred on developing a future of collective progress and harmony.

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