
Friday, May 26, 2023

Doesn't this resemble an anthill? 🐜 Believe it or not, it's actually an ancient multi-level underground city.

...Doesn't this resemble an anthill? 🐜 Believe it or not, it's actually an ancient multi-level underground city.

Derinkuyu is an ancient subterranean city located in Turkey, and it's one of the deepest settlements of Cappadocia.

It was discovered accidentally in 1963 when a cave wall was opened, revealing a passageway. Excavated, it has 11 floors, 15,000 air shafts and it housed 20-50,000 humans and their livestock.

The city at Derinkuyu was fully formed in the Byzantine era, when it was heavily used as protection from Muslim Arabs during the Arab–Byzantine wars (780–1180

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