
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Alleged Numbers of Ancient Egypt (Kemet) Artifacts in Museums Outside Egypt:

Alleged Numbers of Ancient Egypt (Kemet) Artifacts in Museums Outside Egypt:

🟢 The British Museum, London, United Kingdom, has more than 100,000 Egyptian artifacts.
🟢 The New Berlin Museum has about 80,000 Egyptian objects.
 🟢 Petrie Museum, UK, about 80,000 Egyptian objects.
 🟢 The Louvre Museum, Paris, about 50,000 Egyptian pieces.
🟢 Museum of Art America, about 45,000 Egyptian pieces.
🟢 Kesley Ann Arbor Museum America has more than 45,000 Egyptian objects.
 🟢 Museum of the University of Pennsylvania America, about 42 thousand Egyptian objects.
 🟢 Ashmolean Museum, United Kingdom, about 40,000 Egyptian objects.
🟢 Egyptian Museum, Turin, Italy, about 32,500 Egyptian artifacts.
🟢 Oriental Institute Chicago, America, about 30 thousand Egyptian pieces.
 🟢 Metropolitan Museum of America, about 26,000 Egyptian pieces.
🟢 Toronto Museum, Canada, about 25,000 Egyptian artifacts.
 🟢 Hearst Museum, California, about 17,000 items.
🟢 Fitzwilliam Museum, England, about 16 thousand Egyptian objects.
 🟢 World Museum, Liverpool, England, about 16 thousand Egyptian pieces.
 🟢 Manchester Museum, England, about 16 thousand Egyptian pieces.
 🟢 The National Archaeological Museum, Italy, about 14,000 Egyptian objects.
 🟢 Museum of Art History, Austria, about 12 thousand Egyptian artifacts.

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