
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

TA-SETI: NUBIAN ARCHERS The Aràbs took over Kemet around 639 AD and a few years later those same Aràbs were attempting to cònquer Nubia but were bèat back by the Nubian(𓅘𓎛𓋴 𓇋) archèrs.


The Aràbs took over Kemet around 639 AD and a few years later those same Aràbs were attempting to cònquer Nubia but were bèat back by the Nubian(𓅘𓎛𓋴 𓇋) archèrs. 

The expert archery skills put on display by these African wàrriors led the Aràbs to give them the epithet "pupil smiters.” Due to their ability to shoot out the eyè of Arab invaders on the battle field. 

Nubian hunters and warriors excelled as archers, and their weapon became a symbol for Nubia. “Land of the Bow” is the meaning of Ta-Seti, an ancient Kemetic term used to denote Nubia for thousands of years in antiquity.

If not for these skilled warriors Sudan might look like Egypt today.

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