
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tears of a Child Episode 19 & 20

Tears of a Child Episode 19 & 20

Semi Final 

While inside nurse Jen car, I took a proper look at the house she pointed, the house was a mansion with a big gate and flowers beside the fence . With so much excitement , I smiled.

” Nurse Jen, are you saying this is my parent’s house ? Oh, my God, I can’t wait to get into that house and shout mommy and daddy I am home!! Just like emeka does in his father’s house”

” Ha,ha,ha” she laughed. ‘ you are funny Ben, go and knock at the gate someone will open it for you , I will be right here waiting until they welcome you in before I leave ”

” Thank you nurse Jen , you are the best nurse in the world, may God bless you in everything you do ” I thank her and left to the gate, I was about knocking at the gate when I remembered something, I rushed back to nurse Jen and asked ;

” plea-se don’t be upset , I just want to ask you a question ” She looked at me with a smile and said ” go ahead and ask” I took a de-ep breath and said;

“My parents, have they been here in Lagos all this while ?

If they have been here in Lagos , why haven’t they find me?

Do you think they will

want to see me?”

My questions got nurse jen confused. I looked her in the eyes, she was speechless. it took her some couples of minutes before she replied me .

” I don’t really know if your parents have been here in Lagos all this while , it was your aunty Amara that pointed this house for me saying it’s your parents house . I have no idea ”

I looked at nurse Jen and said ” I pray they will welcome me ” she nodded her head without uttering a word.

I turned to walk away when I heard” pray Ben , pray” I began to wonder, because nurse Jen I know doesn’t believe in God why then is she now saying I should pray I thought to myself .

” Are you surprised I said you should pray ? She asked , with a smile showing out her White teeth.

“I am nurse Jen” I replied.

“Let me tell you what happened . I remembered I told you that God doesn’t exist some years back , but I was wrong.”

” Eight years ago ” she started. ” My mom was sick and I am sure it was when your uncle mike was discharged. I could remember telling you that she was the only one I had in the world .

I didn’t believe in God. For all my savings and salary goes to her, I worked so ha-rd and yet use the money to buy her drugs . At a time I wanted injecting her to just die because the doctor told me she will still die after all .

I was confused and decided to put God to test for the very last time even after he had disappointed me.

To cut the story short I prayed and fasted for a week just for my mom to get well. After my prayers and fasting, I was home when I received a call from the hospital that my mom has woken up from coma my Mom is now strong and healthy. Ever since then , I believed that God is alive ” .

After she had finished narrating her story to me, tears started rolling down her face, she brou-ght out a hand towel from her car and wiped her tears off.

” Don’t cry nurse Jen. God is good and he will never forsake his children ” I added with my eyes we-t .

” Oya, let’s go to your father’s house let me walk you” she spoke wiping off her tears.

I followed her to the gate, and we both knocked at the big mansion with a gate .

A beautiful young woman with long hair c@m£ out .

” Good morning madam ” nurse Jen greeted the Young woman .

” Good morning. Who are you looking for ?” The Young woman asked , wearing a sad face .

” Well, we are here to see Mr Nonso popularly known as Patrick ” nurse Jen replied.

” Ok, hope that’s no problem ”

” No problem at all ” nurse Jen replied . Just then two children ran out from the compound a boy and a girl.

” mommy, we are going to buy biscuits at uncle chima’s shop. The little girl spoke out.

” Come back here princess , hold your brother Samuel back in to the house ” the young woman thun-dered at the children.

The children walked back in to the house crying .

” Sorry for that, Come inside the house”. Nurse Jen and I walked in, and I saw cars parked everywhere in the compound and it was an upstairs.

” So my parents are rich?

Why then did he not pick

Me with him?

Why then did he allowed me

To suffer ? Could aunty Amara be saying the truth when she said my parents doesn’t want me ? ” Questions kept ringing in my head. I looked at father’s mansion and allowed tears to pour out from my eyes .

” Nurse Jen, is she my mother ? She is beautiful and I think she has my nose ” I whispered .

” Shut up Ben. I don’t know your parents , I have never seen them , so I don’t know if she is your mom or not. And why are you crying? ” I didn’t answered her.

The Young woman took us to their sitting room and we sat down with nurse Jen on their couch.

” Daddy have a big flat screen television and a computer game ” I shouted with so much excitement.

” Shut up Ben” nurse Jen thun-dered at me . Just then a tall young man with side beards walked out from one of the rooms and sat down on the couch .

” Good morning sir” nurse Jen and I both greeted him .

” Good morning Young lady , what can I do for you?, my wife coolval stories told me that a woman is down stairs with her son waiting to see me” I turned and looked at nurse Jen in so much confusion.

Nurse Jen smiled . ” Sweetheart, drive the children to school” he spoke out loudly to his wife.

The woman c@m£ down stairs with her two children and left to drop them at school.

” Sorry for that young lady . So tell me , what can I do for you ?” He asked .

” Sir, I don’t know how to tell you that this boy seating with me here is your son ”

” Ha, ha,ha, ” he laughed. ” Are you ok at all Young woman ? How is that possible? This thing here can’t be my son . He doesn’t even look like me, no, no, no you must be joking ”

I thought I have found one I could call father, I stood up and looked at him in the eyes and allowed tears to rolled down my face .


Episode 20.

I stood still allowing tears to pour out from my innocent eyes . At that very moment, I began to think that God didn’t give me eyes to see but to cry . Because I have spent all my life using them to shed tears.

Mr Nonso , discovered the tears rolling down from my eyes, he heaved a very long sigh and said ;

” Young lady , who do you say you are and where did you bring this boy from ? I don’t want any problem in my peaceful home ”

” Daddy , I am no trouble . See you have my ears and my brown eyes, you are my father ” I spoke out in tears .

” Shut that dirty mouth of yours , I dont know you and don’t ever call me daddy . Go and look for your father, I am not your father” he spoke back angrily.

I bur-st out in tears and hurriedly ran to nurse Jen. ” What have I done wrong in this world?” I asked ” why is everyone rejecting me? It took me fourteen Good years to set my eyes on this man here , if he is not my father , who then is my father nurse Jen tell me. I can’t live anymore ” I cried on her shoulder.

Nurse Jen was speechless same as Mr Nonso who they said is my father .

” You can’t keep on crying , you just have to go back to aunty Amara , beg for her forgiveness for leaving the house without telling her, she might welcome you home ” nurse Jen spoke out with her eyes we-t.

” I can’t go back to aunty Amara , she will kill me . I just want to find my parents that’s the only thing that can make me happy in this world ” I replied her in tears .

” If you don’t want to go back to aunty Amara where else do you want to go to?”

” Take me to the village , I want to spend the rest of my life with the only people that cared for me since I was a baby . Take me to my grandparents ” nurse Jen muted for some minutes and looked me in the eyes .

” Driving all the way to your village is another work ”

” Who are your grandparents ? ” Mr nonso asked . I was about replying him when his wife Mrs Nonso walked in and interrupted our discussion .

“Honey , you are still talking with them, ain’t you going to work ?”

” I am not feeling too well , I might go if am strong enough . And whose bag are you holding ?” He asked .

I turned to look at the beautiful woman standing behind me . “If Mr Nonso is my father, then she must be my mother” I thought to myself looking straight at her.

” A woman asked me to give this bag to you . She just drove off ”

I took a look at the bag it was my bag of clothes . ” How did they get here? ” I thought to myself.

” That’s my clothes” I spoke out . His wife was surprised same with Mr Nonso and nurse Jen . I was also surprised as well . ” Honey, can I talk to you for a minute ” Mrs Nonso called on her husband’s attention and they both went upstairs murmuring.

” A woman brou-ght your clothes here? that could be your aunty Amara ” nurse Jen whispered.

Just then Mr and Mrs Nonso walked down stairs . Mrs Nonso was angry , I saw the anger in her eyes they were burning to the extent her eyes turned red.

” Young woman , I am not here for long story , the very moment I set my eyes on you and your son, I knew something must be wrong. my husband has told me everything, So start talking if you don’t want to see my real color ” Mrs Nonso spoke wrathfully at nurse Jen.

” With due respect madam, I didn’t come here to break your home , and this boy you see beside me here is your son ” Mrs Nonso laughed out ” ha,ha,ha,”

” Honey calm down .” Mr nonso added . ” Boy , I heard you saying you have a grandpa, who is your grandpa? And what’s his name ?”

” Mazi okafor , is what they call him . I don’t know the name of my grandma because people in the village usually call her grandma . Those two mean everything to me . I have their picture inside that bag Mommy dropped on the table ” I pointed to the bag Mrs Nonso brou-ght in.

” And who is your mom? I am not your mom , I don’t just get all this Nonso” she called on her husband in confusion.

” Get him the bag Let us see the picture ” Mr Nonso ordered his wife. She dropped the bag beside me. I unZi-pped it and brou-ght out Grandpa’s picture and handed it over to her ( Mrs Nonso )

“Oh, my God Nonso , I can’t believe this , it’s your father’s picture ” Mrs Nonso spoke out in amazement.

Mr Nonso rushed to take a look at the picture , he looked at it and was astonished.

” Are you Ben? ” He asked

” Yes I am Ben” I replied with all the joy in the world .

” This woman here is not your biological mother ” he pointed to his wife Mrs Nonso . ” Your mother is married somewhere here in Lagos to a different man. I am sorry to say this to you , I am not your biological father ”

That very moment , I felt something cut de-ep inside my heart, as I bend my head to the ground and allowed tears to pour out from my eyes .

Final Episode Loading…

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