
Thursday, April 25, 2024

When you practice African spirituality and still attend church

When you practice African spirituality and still attend church, is a clear indication of you not knowing your history and the values of your African spirituality! Yes Christianity may have copied certain elements of spirituality but since the same religion have demonised African spirituality and condemned culture and traditions of what spirituality has built, as a people we must do away with Christianity because the truth of Yesu and Madam MaryRose who they call in the Catholic church as Mary in short! Are all part of African spirituality, the Catholic religion came to destroy the true meaning of spirituality through religion and worship the water and fire spirits in secret because if they do openly like our ancestors were doing it will make no sense because our ancestors were honouring the Moon Goddess water, and the Sun God fire alongside with other deities of nature over decades before the Europeans conceived against Africa to bring Africa down through religion and politics! Now our own Kings don’t know their left and right and as a result they think is ok to go to church and be African spiritualist lol the very people who are supposed to uphold our traditions and culture within the African spirituality are now the ones embracing brainwashing systems and setting confusion among the Africans! It’s a shame! YESU and Madam Rosemary/MaryRose are not part of religion and as long as this two spirits are the reason Christianity exists then all they do in the church is in vein because The spirits don’t recognise that. Lol know the ways of the spirits of nature.

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