
Saturday, May 11, 2024

“All writers, however, seem to agree that the more we penetrate into the antiquity of the Egyptian race, the greater is its approximation to the negro character; so that if we could push our researches still further back, it is not unreasonable to conclude that the primitive people would, in every physical respect, be found identical with the modern inhabitants of the Guinea coast”

“All writers, however, seem to agree that the more we penetrate into the antiquity of the Egyptian race, the greater is its approximation to the negro character; so that if we could push our researches still further back, it is not unreasonable to conclude that the primitive people would, in every physical respect, be found identical with the modern inhabitants of the Guinea coast”


(The New Monthly Magazine and Universal Register; 1843)

“The earliest Middle Palaeolithic assemblages of the Egyptian Nile Valley are similar to those that were made in Middle Stone Age industries of sub-Saharan Africa (Van Peer et al. 2003)”

Middle Paleolithic = 300,000 to 30,000 years ago

Middle Stone Age = 280,000 to 25,000 years ago

According to Qyo-Yoruba tradition, the ancestral Yoruba saw the Assyrian conquests of the Israelite kingdom from the ninth and the eighth centuries B.C. from the perspective of the Israelites. After the fall of Samaria in 722 B.C., they were deported to eastern Syria and adopted the ruling Assyrian kings as their own…

After the defeat of the Egypto-Assyrian forces at Carchemish in Syria in 605 B.C. numerous deportees followed the fleeing Egypto-Assyrian troops to the Nile valley, before continuing their migration to sub-Saharan Africa…

This is the beginning of the Yoruba migration from Nineveh in 612, then to Harran in 609, Carchemish in 605, and then to Egypt in 586…

Again, that they emigrated from Upper Egypt to Ife may also be proved by those sculptures commonly known as the “Ife Marbles”, several of which may be seen at Ife to this day, said to be the handiwork of the early ancestor of the race. They are altogether Egyptian in form…


(Samuel Johnson, ‘The History of the Yorubas from the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the British Protectorate’; 1921)

(Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, in the Years 1822, 1823, and 1824, by Major Denham, Captain Clapperton, and the Late Doctor Oudney)

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