
Saturday, May 4, 2024

AMENHOTEP III x KING TUT Most people believe Akhenaten to be the father of King Tut…


Most people believe Akhenaten to be the father of King Tut…

However, in the inscription on the red granite lion from the 18th Dynasty now in the British Museum, Tut himself tells us that he:—

"Restored the monuments of his father, King of the South and North, Lord of the Two Lands, Amenhotep III"

Amenhotep III & King Tut both belonged to a genetic profile group known as haplogroup R1b…

“R-M343 has been found in high concentration in some populations from Central-West Africa where it reaches very high frequencies (up to 95%) in populations in the central Sahel; northern Cameroon, northern Nigeria, Chad and Niger.”

“A group of chromosomes within the paragroup R-P25* are found concentrated in the central-western part of the African continent, where they can be detected at frequencies as high as 95%.”

R1b with “Sub Saharan African” affinities…

Analysis of STRs from Amarna royal mummies (King Tut, Amenhotep III & Akhenaten) with PopAffiliator18 indicates a 41.7% to 93.9% probability of SUB SAHARAN AFRICAN (SSA) affinities…

These individuals had a greater probability of affiliation with “SSA”…

8/13 pairs of STR from Combined DNA Index System were used by Hawass et al…

Data suggest main sub-Saharan affinities of pharaonic mummies from the 18th and 20th dynasty (circa 1,300 BC), far in the past before the Arab slave trade…

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