
Thursday, May 2, 2024



Greetings friends. Over the years, God has enlarged this network with Brethren that are Hungry for God. We came together here to seek the face of God so that we may encounter him afresh. And then when we do, we endeavored to share with each other our encounters. I recently had an encounter with the Lord and he came to give me an instruction. This was a direct instruction to me and my family and I thought I could share with you my friends , I am sure it will also appeal to your lives. 
By the way in the picture below, I am meditating on the great encounter that Apostle Paul had. A single encounter with God can last you a lifetime. You can never erase the memory of an encounter with God even if you were to try. Paul encountered the Lord Jesus once and that initiated a powerful ministry that lasted him a lifetime. Please Follow the YouTube link below to appreciate some of the amazing encounters our friends have had with God and whilst there , please comment and let us know what have been your encounters with God. 

Abraham had an encounter with God at 75 and that was sufficient to start a journey of many years to a destination he did not know.
Now back to the word the Lord Gave me in my encounter with him, its from Mathews 18 Vs 9:
And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell. 
For me, the Lord told me, in your house, remove everything that spells sin. This was a sobering word. I took time to pray about it and started to understand how grave the instruction was. It made me start looking at the playlists of the songs I was having, to the collection of entertainment in our seating room. If you my brother and sister will pray about this word, God will also speak to you in your heart. He is looking for serious men to relate with. This has become so serious now. It has always been serious but the field is very ripe, souls should not continue being wasted. 
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul to the devil. The battle has become intense saints. The devil is throwing all his arsenal out there and the entertainment world is about to receive the vilest of things. Let believers stay away and begin to look to Zion. 
Should my relationship with God suffer because I want to watch every movie I put my hands on Netflix? Should I watch every sinful clip I find on YouTube at the expense of my relationship with God? The life of an average believer has become so weak over these days because he/she lacks the will power to resist the devil in our personal lives and the devil has not been freeing. He has stayed comfortably in our bedrooms, and he has followed us in our cars, bus, trains etc. He even went with us to Church comfortably. There has been no fire there. But this will change now because we will do something about it. Let us go back to God in serious prayer and get back that power back. We can’t continue to have powerless Christians. The status needs to change. Praise songs that have no power because the believers singing are holding on to sin big time. This is very important. God wants to restore us back to himself.
 Pastor Benny Hinn a couple of years ago was told by God to cancel his Netflix subscription. Now this is not a Doctrine. It’s a personal walk with God but if you love someone so much, you dedicate all your time to him or her. If we have been dedicating all our time to food, fun and jolly leaving, this is known as friendship with the world and friendship with the world is enmity with God. Its carnality. I have found it very challenging that most of the serious men of God that I love, God demanded of them to discipline themselves and take out something out from their lives. This is known as a sacrifice. What are you sacrificing to God? I want to sacrifice my fresh to him. Its a biggest enemy of every believer so much so that the biggest favor you can do to the fresh is to kill it. Not the physical body but the allocation of self-loving within us that the devil uses as an infrastructure to allure us away from God's presence. When was the last time you spent five hours alone in prayer with God? We have lost a lot from God due to loving the fresh so much. Let us send the fresh to the Cross of Jesus where it belongs and get back our revival and direct encounters with God.
Please share with us your encounters in the comment section here and on the YouTube channel link above. 
Let us chat in the comments and encourage each other. We are global, where are you reading this post from?

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