
Saturday, May 4, 2024

THE CITY OF DAVID. Where is Ancient Israel if Modern Israel was created on May 14, 1948???


Where is Ancient Israel if Modern Israel was created on May 14, 1948???

The biblical Old and New Testament writings were describing a land that could not be found in the so called 'Middle East,' with a fortress city in a 'very high mountain' and with massive, colossal walls that can not be found in the place now being called Jerusalem...

“That the peculiar architecture of Old Egypt originated in the West is proved by its similarity to that in the still OLDER remains of America, North, South, and Central. In Uxmal, and Chi Chen, Yucatán, are massive stone pyramids, so ancient that they support trees growing in the soil deposited by the atmosphere on their summits during tens of thousands of years, pyramids that were old before the days of the Pharaohs”


(‘Stone’ Volume 12; 1896)

(Albert Ross Parsons, ‘New Light from the Great Pyramid The Astronomico-geographical System of the Ancients Recovered and Applied to the Elucidation of History, Ceremony, Symbolism and Religion’; 1893)

Leading biblical scholars know that they've never been able to find the biblical cities and events in the dirt of the place now being called "middle east."

That is not the place called Israel in the Scriptures; that is not the place that the Scriptures describe in such great detail...

The 100% indisputable way to know you’re standing at the true biblical Jerusalem of King David and Solomon is to locate the monumental stone fortress called “The Millo”

“So David dwelt in the fort, and called it the city of David. And David built round about from Millo and inward”

If your Jerusalem doesn’t have that monumental stone walled fortress, then you’re not at the biblical, and true Jerusalem…

Finding the MILLO will show once and for all which city is truly Jerusalem...

millôwʼ, mil-lo'; or מִלֹּא mil-lôʼ; (2 Kings 12:20), from H4390; a rampart (as filled in), i.e. the citadel…

Rampart / Citadel = fortress, wall, fortification

A huge "fortress" or Stronghold with monumental walls cannot just vanish, and it didn't...

What the Scriptures meant by "City of David," was the walled fortress that was on the NORTH side of the ancient capital city called Jerusalem...

The Scriptures clearly tell you that the fortress, the "City of David," was on the NORTH side of the main city of Jerusalem...

"Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King."

See that fortress—it’s on the NORTH side of the main city, exactly where the Scriptures say it was...

Sacsayhuamán, is a citadel (fortress) on the northern outskirts of the city of Cusco…

“The city of Jerusalem was fortified with three walls”

Jerusalem was fortified with THREE walls according to Josephus…

The best-known zone of Sacsayhu(aman) includes its THREE massive terrace walls...

Again, if your Jerusalem doesn’t have that monumental stone walled fortress, or THREE massive terrace walls, then you’re not at the biblical, and true Jerusalem…

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