
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

“The contention has been made that the extraneous element of the Bantu was derived from tribes of Israel which were first carried away to Babylon, as related in the Scriptures, and who afterward in whole or in part migrated through Egypt into equatorial Africa, and, through mingling with native tribes, upon whom they imposed much of their own religion and customs, gave rise to the peoples now known as Bantu…”

“The contention has been made that the extraneous element of the Bantu was derived from tribes of Israel which were first carried away to Babylon, as related in the Scriptures, and who afterward in whole or in part migrated through Egypt into equatorial Africa, and, through mingling with native tribes, upon whom they imposed much of their own religion and customs, gave rise to the peoples now known as Bantu…”


(N. B. Ghormley, ‘The Land of the Heart of Livingstone Or, The Genius of the Bantu’; 1920)

“At this day also the Abassins affirm that upon the Nilus [Nile] towards the west there inhabiteth a most populous nation of the Jewish stock under a mightie king. And some of our modern cosmographers set down a province in those quarters which they call the land of the Hebrews, placed as it were under the equinoctial, in certain unknown mountains, between the confines of Abassin and Congo”


(John Pory, ‘A Geographical Historie of Africa’; 1600)

“Sargon, or Sennacherib, the successor of Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria, having continued the war commenced by his predecessor, conquered the Kingdom of Israel, and brought the captive Jews and their King Hosea to his country (circa 722 B.C.), and from thence they eventually found their way into Abyssinia and Ethiopia.”

“After the destruction of Jerusalem by
Vespasian in 70 A.D., large numbers of Jews fled or drifted into Ethiopia, Abyssinia, and the neighbouring territories.”


(Sidney Mendelssohn, ‘The Jews of Africa Especially in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries’; 1920)

On old maps, Abyssinia = Ethiopia and Ethiopia = Sub Saharan Africa

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