
Friday, June 7, 2024



The royal Stewart line was founded by Robert III...

Robert III—born John Stewart—was King of Scotland from 1390 to his death in 1406...

He was the eldest son of Robert II...

“They Lineally descended of Sir John Stewart, (commonly called the Black Stewart, from his Complexion) Son to King Robert the II…”


(George Crawford, “A Genealogical History of the Royal and Illustrious Family of the Stewarts”; 1710)

“From his dark complexion, he was known as “The Black Stewart”


(John MacArthur, “The Antiquities of Arran”; 1873)

COMPLEXION = the natural color, texture, and appearance of a person's SKIN especially of the FACE…

Charles II is described verbatim by his contemporaries in first hand historical accounts as a tall black man…

“Charles the second was, in the popular language of the day, a tall black man”


(Norman Chevers, ‘An Enquiry into the circumstances of the Death of King Charles the Second’; 1861)

Colonel George Gounter, helped Charles II to escape from England after the battle of Worcester…

“Colonel Gounter mentions that, shortly after the King had left Brighton, “soldiers came into the town to search for a tall black man, six feet two inches high,” meaning the King”


(Henry Cary, ‘Memorials Of The Great Civil War In England From 1646 To 1652 ; Edited From Original Letters In The Bodleian Library Volume 2’; 1842)

(George Gounter, ‘The Last Act in the Miraculous Story of King Charles the Second's Escape Out of the Reach of His Tyrannical Enemies ... Now First Published from the Original MS’; 1846)

(“A Narrative of The Adventures of Charles the Second after The Battle of Worcester”; 1859)

His sons and grandson, are also described verbatim in first hand historical accounts as tall black men, and as having “black complexions”…

DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND— “a tall, black man, like his father the King”

DUKE OF GRAFTON— “grandson to King Charles II; a tall black man”

CHARLES LENNOX, DUKE OF RICHMOND— “black complexion, much like King Charles”

DUKE OF ST. ALBANS—“son to King Charles the Second, he is of a black complexion”


(Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Macky, Esq., During the Reigns of King William, Queen Anne, and King George I. Including, Also, the True Secret History of the Rise, Promotions, & of the English and Scots Nobility, Officers, Civil, Military, Naval, and Other Persons of Distinction, from the Revolution, in Their Respective Characters at Large; 1733)

This is a 6’2” tall life size wax effigy of King Charles II, located in the Westminster Abbey Museum…

Because the effigy was preserved in its own glass case the clothing is in remarkable condition…

It was made in 1686 by sculptor John Bushnell and the face is a remarkable likeness...

It shows the king’s swarthy complexion and may have been taken from a life cast of the king's face, which was a fashionable thing to have done at this period…

Jewelry from the figure was stolen during a funeral in 1700 and it has lost its sword...

The wig is an 18th century replacement...

The charter issued by King Charles II in 1663, represents the moment at which the transatlantic slave trade officially began, with royal approval, in the English (later British) Empire...

This led to the rapid expansion of British involvement in the slave trade and enslavement of Israelites…

The charter granted the Company of Royal Adventurers of England a monopoly in the transportation of people from the west coast of Africa to the English colonies in the Americas...

It explicitly sanctioned ‘the buying and selling, bartering and exchanging of, for, and with any negro slaves, goods, wares and merchandizes whatsoever to be vended or found’ in Western Africa…

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