
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Black Man with Parrots and Monkeys by David Klöcker von Ehrenstrahl c. 1670

Black Man with Parrots and Monkeys by David Klöcker von Ehrenstrahl c. 1670

David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl (1628-1698) was a Swedish nobleman and portrait painter…

He became entitled Court painter (hovkonterfejare) for King Charles XI of Sweden in 1661…

Charles XI or Carl was King of Sweden from 1660 until his death, in a period of Swedish history known as the Swedish Empire (1611–1721)

During the 17th century, parrots and monkeys wouldve been considered exotic animals in Sweden…

They were not native to the region, so seeing these animals would have been quite rare for people living in Sweden at that time…

Wealthy individuals or royalty might have owned or displayed these animals as symbols of wealth, status, or curiosity due to their unusual nature in that part of the world…

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