
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

VICTOR EMMANUEL III—King of Italy & Emperor of Ethiopia—aka “Haile Selassie”

VICTOR EMMANUEL III—King of Italy & Emperor of Ethiopia—aka “Haile Selassie”

“The present Christians in Africa are partly Strangers, and partly Natives, some of them slaves to the Turks and Barbarians and others free…

Some of the Jews who inhabit both Sides the Niger derive themselves from Abraham…

Others fled hither from Attica when Vespasian destroyed Jerusalem, or from, Judea when ‘twas wasted by the Romans, Persians, Saracens and Christians…

Some were banished from Italy in 1743, from Spain in 1462, from the Low Countries in 1350, from France in 1403, and from England in 1433”


(Atlas Geographus: Or, A Compleat System of Geography, Ancient and Modern of Africa; 1714)

In other words, so called black Europeans (in this case Jews) were deported from Europe and sent to Africa on many different occasions…

It’s been proven, with firsthand sources and portraiture, that so called blacks were the ones in rulership in Europe up until the Age of Revolution c. 1765-1848, which precipitated the Scramble for Africa, which was the abdications and exiling of these black kings to their respective colonies in Africa…

NO so called white man has EVER—in the history of the world, been the Emperor of Ethiopia!

The Holy Roman Emperor, officially the Emperor of the Romans was the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire...

The title was held in conjunction with the title of King of Italy...

King of Italy was the title given to the ruler of the Kingdom of Italy after the fall of the Western Roman Empire...

The title was maintained by subsequent Holy Roman Emperors throughout the Middle Ages...

The Austrian Crown Jewels is the regalia and vestments worn by the Holy Roman Emperor...

The term refers to the following objects: the crowns, sceptres, orbs, swords, rings, crosses, holy relics, and the royal robes, as well as several other objects connected with the ceremony...

The crown, scepter, orb, and royal robes worn by the King of Italy or Emperor of Ethiopia, is a facsimile of the Austrian Crown Jewels that were worn by the Holy Roman Emperors during the Medieval time period...

We usually hear people talking about a so called “great reset”—a cataclysmic event or massive catastrophe often involving a mud flood that happened in the 19th century…

There was indeed a “great reset” that happened in the 19th century, however, under a different context, one that involves political decoys, photo-ops, and Hollywood newsreels and re-enactments of historical events and personages poised as reality…

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