
Wednesday, September 28, 2022


The golden funerary mask and silver coffin of Psusennes I (reigned c. 1047–1001 BC), the third pharaoh of the 21st Dynasty, Egypt.

Psusennes was known to the Ancient Egyptians as Pasebakhaenniut ("The Star Appearing in the City”) and Akheperre Setepenamun (“Great are the Manifestations of Ra, chosen of Amun), and ruled from the northern city of Tanis during the Third Intermediate Period. He is known for his construction activities at the Great Temple at Tanis.

The tomb of Psusennes I, discovered by French Egyptologist Pierre Montet in 1940, is noted for being one of the only pharaonic tombs to have escaped looting during Antiquity, and has produced a number of spectacular grave goods, most notably his golden funerary mask and silver coffin. Ironically, Psusennes' tomb contained repurposed grave goods from earlier New Kingdom tombs, acquired through state sanctioned tomb robbing, which was a common practice in the Third Intermediate Period.

"In this gold mask mummy cover, Psusennes the First appears with the royal headdress surmounted by the uraeus, or royal cobra. He wears a divine plaited false beard.

The mask is made of two pieces of beaten gold, soldered and joined together by five nails that can be seen from the back.

The king wears the royal Nemes headdress, usually made of linen, surmounted by the sacred uraeus, the royal cobra. This protected the king against his opponents and enemies in life and after death.

The king wears a divine plaited false beard, which is the symbol of dignity [signifies his status as a living god]. He also wears a broad Usekh collar incised with floral decorations. The inlays of the eyelids and eyebrows and the straps fixing the beard are of glass paste. The eyes are made of black and white stone." -The Egyptian Museum

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