
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Dugn'be bull masks of the Bidyogo, also Bijago, Bidjogo or Bissago people of the Bissagos Islands off the coast of Guinea-Bissau

Dugn'be bull masks of the Bidyogo, also Bijago, Bidjogo or Bissago people of the Bissagos Islands off the coast of Guinea-Bissau.

“Manratche, or initiation of Bidjogo youth within a hierarchical age-grade system, is one of the key illustrations of cattle’s vital role in the Bissagos Islands historically and today. In cabaro, a mid-level age-group that lasts ten years, male initiates celebrate the wild nature of post-adolescent life by donning a bull mask and imitating the animal’s aggressive behavior. A high infant mortality rate in the region means that young men do not always reach the cabaro age group. In these cases, young women may complete the initiation on their behalf. Initiation masks are crucial to the life-long goal of achieving the status of ancestor because the uninitiated are prohibited from creating objects of religious worship used for entering Ancaredo, an afterworld where the deceased becomes one with the Creator.” - Cory Gundlach

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