
Sunday, October 16, 2022


THE HAPPIEST WOMEN today are not the married ones, neither are they the single ones.
They ain't even those with the most  expensive apparels or gadgets.
They're not the ones with great income or influential backgrounds.
They are not the ones with many degrees bagged from prestigious institutions both locally and Internationally.
The happiest women are the ones who have discovered themselves and are living their lives in total alignment to their purpose and self discovery. 
This set of women don't get bullied or cheaply blackmailed because they don't need your validation. 
They made a deliberate choice to love themselves despite what comes their way. They are not greedy but satisfied and contented with what they can make happen. 
Women who don't play the blame game nor act the victim playlet.
Their self-esteem is intact with a good sense of self worth. You can't stop them because  they have moved past mediocrity and intimidation. They are not sentimental freaks because they have conquered their anger, fears and bitterness. These are women who have chosen to leave their past behind and take on the future like the warriors they are.
No! you can't threaten them with status because they realized on time, that personal achievement needs no "Title" to be attained!
They realized that they are responsible for their own happiness. 
They are women who have chosen to be defined by virtue rather than status.
They DON'T drag POSITIONS with men either because they know that a woman was not born to do what a man can do but she was created to do WHAT A MAN CANNOT DO!

 -Women World Family Life Development.

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