
Monday, February 27, 2023

*Revolutionary Greetings Comrades* *Marcus Garvey PanAfrikan leadership commandments* 1.)Never abuse a woman in public. Never abuse a man in public.Never abuse your wife or your husband in public.

*Revolutionary Greetings Comrades*

*Marcus Garvey PanAfrikan leadership commandments*
1.)Never abuse a woman in public. Never abuse a man in public.Never abuse your wife or your husband in public.
2.)Never make a noise in your home.Never make a fight where you are living or anywhere else in public. Count one to ten 
and move off. If it is your wife, family, relatives or even friends, take your hat and go for a walk. Inhale the fresh air, look at the sky, landscape, flowers and stars and new thoughts will come into your mind.
3.)Never fall in love to the point of losing control of yourself.If you do, you will become somebody else’s slave 
and that experience will surely take advantage of you and cause you to lose your best character.
4.)Never wear clothes as if you were sleeping in them.To do so, it makes a woman suspicious and it suggests untidiness to men. Never wear a dirty collar or a dirty pair of shoes. Keep your fingernails clean and your teeth clean.Take salts or purgatives at least twice a week to 
keep your system clean. It helps to give you clear thought and vision and it keeps your health in perfect state.
5.)Don’t eat like a hog, even in private. A custom or habit will develop on you and you will do it unconsciously. Observe good manners in eating and drinking when you go among company.
If you are invited to dine with friends and you are 
hungry, eat a little before you get to dinner, so as not to show how hungry you are.If you eat up everything, your host will talk about you when you are gone.He or she and the rest of their friends will talk about your gluttony and you may never be invited the second time.

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