
Friday, April 19, 2024



After seven days, king Uchenna got married to the beautiful chioma,

 adaugo was so happy her husband had finally brought in a new wife thanks to Obinna.

Poor adaugo and the king didn't know what fate had install for them, they had welcomed Chioma into their royal abode with open hands.

Adaugo treated chioma like a sister, parading the whole palace with Chioma with a glee on her face.

Chioma had invited her parents to come witness her wedding with the king, their days of fishing was over.

She had also discuss the issue with her parents, telling them how obinna had used her just to get rid of his own brother.

"I can't believe we agreed to engage our daughter in marriage with a mûrdërer in the first place" 

Chioma's mother retorted shooking her head at her daughter.

"King Uchenna is a nice man, he doesn't deserve to d!e, just because he was crowned as a king doesn't make him to despite his brother so much." 

Mr okeke (Chioma's father) added, 

"Jealousy is indeed a bad thing ".

"Exactly, I was also wondering when you told us the  prince decide to marry secretly, without the awareness of the whole villagers,

I thought as much, my daughter will shed no bl00d of a man, not even a royal bl00d, tuffia!!".

Mrs okeke, sneered, prolonging the conversation further with her daughter,

 Chioma's father  spotted  his friend from afar, he left mother and daughter to themselves, blending in with the evident merriments.

"Look here, I will make sure you bare the king a male child, 

We all know the so called man the king called his wife, can't produce a child, talkless of a heir,

That's an advantage for us, don't you think?". Chioma's mother queried her daughter.

"Yes mama". Chioma replied inaudibly,

"I see how you are getting along with adaugo, don't give room for such relationship, please stay on your lane Biko!!! she's your énemy.

And before this year end, my nkèm will bore forth a heir".

Chioma's mother teased, chanting some Igbo panegyric, emphasizing how beautiful chioma was.

"But mama, what if obinna threaten to kìll me? I am scared".

"He's just a toothless d0g, nothing can happen, unless he wants to eat his pounded yam solid" Chioma's mother reassured.

After two months of the grand marriage ceremony held at the palace, Obinna had been visiting  the palace more frequently.

Adaugo saw chioma and Obinna discussing intensively whenever he pays Uchenna a visit,

But she didn't see anything wrong with her husband's wife having a passionate conversation, perhaps they were just discussing about business,

 Since it was Obinna himself who had introduced her to them, so nothing is to be worried about.

"Woman!! am losing my patience, we agreed on a week, it's taking too long, am starting to get impatient". 

Obinna said, dragging chioma into one of the corner piece passageway.

"I already change my mind, I love the king so dearly, he's too good to dïe, there's no going back, am already his queen, and no one can change that, not even you".

"Have you gone måd?? what nønèsense are you saying?", Obinna cut in with so much rage.

"Am tired of the shadow ban, I am sîck and tired of dining with a kìllër prince, it's my time to dine with a king, don't shatter my dreams into pieces......".


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