
Friday, April 19, 2024



Uchenna calmed his brother down, but obinna stormed out of the palace angrily like a dark thunderstorm whose déadly bolt could str!ke at any moment.

" You can be a king!! but I will show you I came to this world before you".


The moon  was out so early, Its rays revealed the figure of Obinna, his face twisted in anger as he paced, deep in  his ev!l thoughts.

Chioma sensed obinna's wrath even from a distance.

 She stood by the fire, worried,  while tossing the plantains she was frying back and forth in a huge pan.

"What's the matter, nkèm?" she asked, her voice soften, trying to know who had made her husband angry.

"It's none of your business, woman!".

 Obinna snapped, his anger evident in both his tone and countenance. 

Chioma merely laughed sardonically, obinna's behavior wasn't new to her.

She  fixed her eyes on the frying plantains instead, avoiding his icy gaze.

"That's the only thing you could think of, cooking away everything I've worked hard for, day and night, and feeding those things you called children", obinna continued .
"It's not my fault they're girls," Chioma retorted. "The gods decide our fate

And why are you suddenly angry at me? What did the king say?" 

Chioma's gaze shifted from the plantains to Obinna, who was about to enter their humble hut, still fuming.

"King!" Obinna scoffed. "He's no king. I should be the rightful heir to our father's throne, not Uchenna."

Chioma raised an eyebrow. "Did he agree to sell the plot of land?".

Obinna clenched his fists. 

"Of course not! Can you imagine? My own little brother, whom I once bathed and groomed like a baby, has the audacity to question how I spent the money from selling our land. What rubbish!"

Chioma sighed. "Anger won't solve our problems. 

What do we do now? My parents accepted your marriage proposal, thinking their daughter would live in the palace, not knowing it's a secret union."

"You're self-centered," Obinna snapped. 

"You only care about yourself more than others, do you think I would love to marry you secretly without making the whole villagers aware, am waiting for the right time".

"What's your plan now?"Chioma queried.

Obinna scanned their surroundings and beckoned Chioma closer. He whispered in her ear, and her eyes widened.

"Tuffia!!! you must be out of your mind, you want me to disguise as a new wife to your brother, just to get rid of him?".

Keep your voice down," Obinna hissed.

 "Uchenna's wife is barren. No heir to the throne yet. That's my advantage.this story is writing by remi the writer after getting rid of him, you'll be my queen you were meant to be".

Chioma managed a smile at her husband's plan, uchenna was loved by the people of amero village.

Chioma herself had been one of his secret crushes. 

He has always been every woman's wish to marry him, but adaugo had won his heart.

But now, Obinna stood beside her, revealing his murdér0us scheme.

Chioma vouched to k!ll Uchenna just as they had agreed, 

The next day, Obinna led the way, Chioma disguised as a maiden fit for Uchenna.

 "I apologize, my brother," Obinna said,

"I know what I said yesterday was so terrible, after all, you rule over me now" 

Obinna said, bowing before Uchenna. 

Uchenna nodded. "And I apologize for questioning you about Father's property,

 I had disrespect you as my elder brother, besides you can have it, it's yours now".

"Thank you, brotherly!!!" Obinna replied, with a fake smile on his lips. 

"And I have a little something for you, just like I had promised". he said, presenting chioma before  his brother

 Chioma stepped forward before the king, moving with so much poise and grace, her smiles  evident with lûsts..


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