
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pregnant for a ghost. 1

Pregnant for a ghost. 1
A story written by Mmesoma Blessing.

Amaka, a young woman in her late twenties, was struggling as a roadside food seller in a shop across the road. Despite her efforts, she struggled to make enough sales each day. Her Jollof rice often went unsold, leaving her feeling discouraged. It seemed that she was only experiencing losses in her new business venture.

Her neighbor, Betty, was an experienced food seller who had already established a loyal customer base. Betty's success was evident in the brand new car she used to transport her food, while Amaka struggled to attract customers. Feeling defeated, Amaka long to surpass Betty and gain the same level of success and respect.

In a conversation with a friend, Amaka poured out her frustrations about her struggling business. Her friend, Christabel, offered words of encouragement and real advice. She urged Amaka to have patience and work on improving her cooking skills. Christabel suggested that Amaka try selling her food in the market while carrying it on her head, a tactic that could attract new customers.

Christabel reassured Amaka that with time and dedication, she would eventually find success in her business.

Amaka, fueled by her stubbornness and desperation to achieve a massive customer base, dismissed Christabel's advice. '' who knows if this one is afraid that I might be successful than her." Amaka muttered to herself.
Ignoring the wise counsel, she saw Christabel's words as a hindrance to her ambitions rather than a guiding light.

On her way home, a signpost caught Amaka's attention, bearing the bold message, "Call this number for any spiritual help, the great Serpent is here for you." Interested and driven by her eagerness to succeed at any cost, Amaka immediately stored the number and dialed it, as she was instructed to come to a shrine situated in a deep forest along a small village. 

With her mind set and determined, Amaka embarked on the journey towards the mysterious shrine, confident to tread the promised path to success, regardless of the scary surroundings that lay ahead.

As Amaka walked deeper into the scary forest,
she humbly removed her slippers before entering the shrine, where she was met by an elderly man with snakes hung in his neck. Inviting her to sit, the native doctor declared.

"Welcome, my dear daughter. The great Serpent eagerly anticipates your presence here today. What has led you to seek our help? " the scary man inquired, as Amaka poured out her desires to him. "I long to establish dominance in the market, to attract a large customer base, and if possible, drive my competitors out of business. I am prepared to go to great lengths to achieve these goals," Amaka boldly declared.

Impressed by her determination, the native doctor assured her, "The god of the great Serpent will heed your wishes, but there are challenging tasks you must undertake to realize them. If you are not ready, it is best to reconsider, for this path offers no second chances." Fearless , Amaka committed to whatever trials lay ahead to fulfill her ambitious aspirations.

"You are to invoke a spirit. Travel to the mortuary and get the body of a recently dead man. I will provide you with a sacred substance to anoint his body, summoning his ghost to make love to you. After that, you must cleanse his body with water and return here with the water collected from his corpse. A ritual will then be performed using this water, and your desires shall be granted," the native doctor explained, instilling a sense of fear in Amaka. She realized there was no turning back from the dangerous journey she had embarked upon.

"Could I perhaps undertake a less challenging task, if it please you?" Amaka pleaded, but the native doctor strongly refused her request. "Many others seeking the blessings of the great Serpent have faced far greater task than you. You must complete this task within the next two days, or face the consequences of your failure," the native doctor added , handing a mysterious substance wrapped in red cloth to a trembling Amaka, who reluctantly accepted it.

Would she succeed in this dangerous task?

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