
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pregnant for a ghost 3

Pregnant for a ghost 3.
A story written by Mmesoma Blessing.

The next day, Amaka headed to the native doctor's shrine where she narrated what had happened to him. "Good day, the great god of Serpent. My world is crumbling around me and I don't know what to do. I felt sick and visited the hospital, where the doctor told me that I was few weeks pregnant. I haven't slept with any man, except the ghost, and I'm wondering if it's even possible for a ghost to impregnate the living" Amaka said, with worries written all over her.

"Nothing good comes easy, my dear. The dead man you slept with had one desire at the moment he was about to die, which is having a child of his own. It was obvious that he hasn't been able to get his wife pregnant, and seeing you, he invoked a child in your womb. It's not possible that you had gotten pregnant by making love to him. The pregnancy was invoked in your womb, and you have no option than to carry it for him," the native doctor boldly declared.

"Is there no way that I could get rid of this pregnancy? Please, help me. I don't know how to explain to people that I was impregnated by a ghost," Amaka pleaded.

"I'm afraid I can't do anything about this. This is an issue you have to settle with him. It's now a battle between you and a dead man. You have gotten the power to make huge sales, and the dead man has gotten his greatest desire. Go! for this problem is beyond my solving," the native doctor told Amaka, who sadly left the shrine.

Amaka was determined as she desperately sought a way to rid herself of the pregnancy. She quickly visited a nearby hospital in hopes of aborting it, but after a thorough examination, the doctor there informed her that it was not possible to terminate the pregnancy. Amaka tried multiple hospitals to seek a solution, only to be met with the same disappointing verdict each time – it was impossible to remove the pregnancy. Exhausted and disheartened, she tiredly made her way back home, weighed down by the burden of her predicament.

It was in the dead of night when Amaka felt a gentle pat on her back, startling her awake. She scanned the room but found no one there. As she settled back into bed, the ghost touch came again, and this time she saw the ghostly figure of the same man she had slept with . Fear gripped her, and she quickly thought of running out of the house at that late hour.

"Stop right there!" the ghost's voice rang out, freezing her. "I have a warning for you. Do not dare to rid yourself of this pregnancy, for the consequences will be heavy. I will expose your evil deeds and how you go about, taking others' destiny for your own selfish gain. If you disobey me, you will suffer a slow and painful death ." After giving the frightening warning , the ghost disappeared, leaving the fearful Amaka. 

In the following days, Amaka's growing belly drew curious looks from those who knew her as a reserved individual. Speculation and gossip surrounded her pregnancy, as people wondered who was responsible for her sudden pregnancy. 

Even in the market, the presence of the ghost hanged all over her, watching as she attended to her customers. It was a constant reminder of the warning she had received. 

Her business was growing rapidly as almost all the people in the market flocked to her shop to buy food, but her regret was just the pregnancy.

One evening, Amaka received a phone call from the native doctor who instructed her to come to the shrine, promising a solution to her problems .
Though she was afraid that the ghost might be keeping watch on her, she headed to the shrine.

At the shrine of the native doctor, he spoke to Amaka, saying, "If you wish to eliminate this pregnancy and the ghost haunting you, there is a price. You must find a young man to sleep with. I will give you a special soap to bath with, then you must meet the young man.
Once that is done, you're to bath again with the soap and return it to me. The connection between you and the ghost will be broken, but the man you are with will lose his destiny. His future will be hopeless, and his efforts will not bear fruit." Amaka viewed this task as simple, given the many men who had shown interest in her recently.

Who is this young guy? 
Will she succeed?
Episode 4,

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