
Thursday, April 18, 2024


The ghost and her son.

Episode 1 

Donatus my room mate and I once had interviews one morning in separate organisations, same date, same time. After I bathed and dressed up I had to wait for him to dress up too so we could leave together, trek to the junction together before taking separate vehicles to our destinations. 

We were having our normal gists and making fun of each other on our way, and Donatus was busy making jest of me for always admiring our landlord's daughter cos of her big butt0cks. To say the truth, the girl isn't that beautiful but one can easily mistaken her buttocks for a pillow if she was on a bed. 

'Mike , If care is not taken,  you will soon be issued a quit notice. Better be careful and always make use of your senses. That girl is just a small girl, I'm warning you now o, let it not be as if I did not warn you ' said Donatus as we walked down the lonely street.

'Abeg keep quiet. Which small girl? Can't you see the bright future behind her? For her to be able to gather such soft spots behind her clearly shows she's no longer a child. That girl is 18 anyways' I said 

'Just be careful. You know how very harsh her mom can be. You know you moved into the compound first before coming to join you. If you end up being ejected from that house now, I do not have even a shilling on me to contribute to go look for another apartment.'

'Baba calm down! Nothing of such will happen. The fact that I always admire her does not mean I'm lus ting after her. Just calm down, no fear' I assured.

Few more minutes of still walking down the road, we saw a little boy of about 7 years old standing in the middle of the road with a toy car in his hands, holding it firmly with two hands.

We both walked past him, but I paused to take a proper look at him. I knew that something wasn't just right about him.

'Mike we are running late now. Come let's go' Donatus fumed.

'Hey, why are you standing in the middle of the road like that? Leave there' I yelled.

The little boy turned and looked at me, shook his head and then turned back, maintaining his former position.

'Are you de@f? Come on leave that place and go home' I fumed.

'Guy, I'm leaving you here. It's almost 8 and you're here doing n0nsense. Is he standing there with your two legs?' Donatus queried.

'Haba, what if it were to be your son or younger brother? Would you have left him to continue standing there all alone?' I questioned.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite's.

'We'll meet later then, I'm out of here' Donatus said, walking out.

'Guy wait now, are you leaving?' I queried.

He was already on his way. Then he looked back...

'Your father there' he said and proceeded.

Well, there was something about this little boy that I couldn't just ignore. I walked up to him and squatted before him. He was such a very cute little boy with such a nice haircut fit for his face.

 I smiled...

'Why are you standing here all alone? Where's your mom?' I queried.

'She's at home' he said pointing towards an apartment.

'Then why are you standing here all alone this early?' 

'I'm hungry' he said.

'Don't you think it's too early? Your mother might be looking for you, you know? So it's time to go home' I said dipping my hand inside my pocket and bringing out the old #500 note I had on me, it was my last card.

It was #200 for transport fare to the interview, so I would be left with #300 after doing my calculations. 

Well I took the little boy by the hand and we walked into a shop. I asked the lady to please help change the #500 note, then I gave the little boy #200 naira and I said to him...

'I'm sorry I have just 500 on me and I have an interview. Just manage 200, let me keep the change for my transport fare down to where I'm going. Not like I have the transport fare to return home yet but let's see what God can do' 

He nodded...

'Thank you ' he said, smiling so innocently.

'Be a good boy, and make sure you go back home' I said rubbing his hair and I left. 

I saw a free lift that took me down to the venue of the interview. Even though I was five minutes late, it was still granted. After the interview I stood outside the building waiting for a bike to take me home when a car parked before me.

'Mikoooo' the person in the car hailed.

I looked closely, the face looked familiar.

'Akoji!' I called, not sure if it was him though.

'Yes, it's me' he said beeming with smiles.

'See this one that once looked like a baby l!zard, see how chubby and cute you're looking' I teased 

'Stup!d boy!' he said laughing so hard, then alighted.

Akoji was my coursemate in the university. If I was told that he would be this successful in life I would have doubted cos he was so unserious. All he knew how to do was disturb everyone in the hostel with dry jokes and off key songs. 

We shook hands and gave each other a hug.

'Where are you headed?' he queried.

'Home man. I just finished an interview, let me go home and relax my head.'

'Oh, you're still jobless?' he queried giggling.

'You're a f00l' I said as I opened his car door and sat in the car, he then sat too and he drove.

We talked about so many things, and I alighted when we reached my junction. He even gave me some money and we bade each other farewell.

I decided to just take a stroll to see my aboki friend who sells tea and makes noodles down the road. But I saw the little boy I had seen earlier in front of his shop with a trey of oranges before him. Then I walked up to him...

'You again?' I queried 

He nodded.

'You know I forgot to ask you your name this morning' I said.

'Damian' he replied.

'Wow, nice. What are you doing here?' I queried.

'I'm waiting for my mom, she went to buy water down there' he said pointing towards the direction.

'Ok. You look so dull and unhappy. What's wrong?' I queried.

'I'm hungry ' he said 

'Again?' I questioned.

Then I told my aboki friend to make noodles and tea for him. The guy brought the food after a few minutes and I handed it over to the little boy.

As soon as he dropped the food beside him his mom arrived.

'That's my mom' he said.

But there was something about his Mom's appearance that I can't explain. She was looking somehow gloomy and to crown it all, she had two little bl00dstains on her dress...

For interesting stories made into videos, please follow UJUZI KICHWA MEDIA 

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