
Thursday, April 18, 2024



PART 8 (The End).

As soon as we drove into my compound, out of fear I reminded Ariana's dad that "this is where I stay " and he said he knows.

 'Ah, what's now going on? ' I thought to myself. 

The commissioner ordered his boys to go into my landlords house and bundle out who ever Was in there, but my landlord unaware of what was happening walked out majestically. 

'Awon wo niyen? E ma pariwo ni compound mi beyen o (Who are those? Don't make noise in my compound like that)" He said at the top of his voice. 

But as soon as he sighted the men in uniform, he attempted running away but was immediately apprehended. 

'Tade? Ah Tade, please forgive me ' baba landlord begged on his knees. ' Iwo Omo Igala yi, afi ti o Ko bami kpoo (You this Igala boy, you ended up putting me into trouble ) 

I was still shocked and I stood still at the same time cos I couldn't really comprehend all that was happening.

I then turned to Ariana's father.

'Sir, he's my landlord. I don't understand, what's his offence? ' I asked 

'He's my uncle. The guy that was shot at Reeky mall is his first son. My father brought him from the village to the city and sent all his children abroad to study. There was no one to help manage his numerous establishments so he chose his only brother, "your landlord" to help him do so and he ended up k!lling my dad and wanted taking over everything he had. He and his son had me k!dnapped cos my dad willed everything to me when he was still alive.They did so so I could append my signature on the remaining documents they wanted to hijack but I refused. So they locked me up in that house where you rescued me from' Ariana's father said. 

'What?! Baba!!' I exclaimed 

'Am I your father? Who is your baba? ' landlord replied with mouth agape..

'Cuff him and take him away ' The commissioner ordered. 

Baba was immediately cuffed and bundled into the car, and we left for the station. 

While on our way, Ariana's father asked me to meet him up somewhere in Lekki very early the next morning, that towards afternoon same day he would be going to the village in search of his mom so they could leave for the UK together. 

The following day I got up very early and in company of that my friend who's an uber guy, we left for Lekki. I met Ariana's father in one very beautiful apartment, the type that I see only in movies and music videos. We exchanged pleasantries and were asked to sit. 

'U. G, thank you so much for all you've done for me, only God can repay you. Well I'll be leaving for the village any moment and I'll like us to visit some places together ' he said. 

Without hesitation, We all got up, we drove into another beautiful house in same Lekki, then to the last house. When we got to the last house I couldn't even go in cos it was too beautiful a sight to behold. It was just as if I was in heaven.

 ' Money good o' I said silently to myself, still looking around and smiling.

I finally went in with my friend and we sat in the living room. 

'I'm sure you like the houses. Well, pick anyone you want and the keys will be given to you right away ' Ariana's father said, adjusting himself on the couch.

'Ss.. Sir' I stuttered with popped eyes.

'You heard me. The first house is a 4 bedroom duplex, the second house has six bedrooms and two living rooms, and this one we are in has 12 rooms and two living rooms. So make your choice ' he said. 

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite's.

'Ermmm ... ' I almost Said something negative when my friend noticed and cut In...

'Sir please, can I see U. G outside? Just a minute sir' my friend pleaded.

'sure ' he replied. 

I stepped outside with my friend... 

'U. G, which house is on your mind to choose? ' my friend asked. 

'The one with four bedrooms of course. ' I replied. 

'Chai, this guy they have finally exchanged your sense of reasoning.
Of all these beautiful mansions it's that small one you want to pick? Are you normal at all? ' he queried. 

'Guy is it my father's house? Let me pick the small one o, it's not everybody that's as gullible as you are' I answered. 

'Try and pick the small house and see if thunder will not strike your father' he threatened. 

'Aah! ' I yelled. 

He brought out his phone, dialed a number and then put it on speaker ..

Him : hey babe, so sorry I missed our appointment. Please can we make it tomorrow? 

His babe: No problems. Where are you? 

Him: In Lekki. You can't believe it. U. G now has a 12 bedroom mansion in Lekki and as a matter of fact we are right here in his house. 

His babe: It's a lie! That dumb guy? How?? 

'Aah! ' I exclaimed with my widely opened mouth

Then my friend looked at me with a corner eye and cut the call stylishly.

'Let's go inside first, the man is waiting '..He said while dragging me inside with a grin.

'So sorry sir. Ermmm.. I'll... prefer... this... this 12 bedrooms house we're in sir' I said as soon as I sat on the couch.

'OK, it's all yours ' he said. He got up and handed the keys over to me and to crown it all, he also gave me Reeky mall And a cheque of 50 million Naira. My friend and I on seeing the cheque, went gaga. 

'I Don blowwwwww ,their fatherrrrr! ' I screamed at the top of my voice while jumping up, it was like a dream. 

The following day I threw a small party in my new house with all my friends present, with that girl that said I was "dumb" too. She apologised though but I told her I was too happy to put such word inside of me, then forgave her. I went outside to pick my mums call when Ariana appeared, I ended the call immediately.

'U. G, thank you ' she said with a smile.

'I should be thanking you more Ariana. You made me who I am today, I'm forever grateful to you '

'It's time to go,forever ' she said

'Please don't go' I begged already sobbing.

'Good bye and take good care of you ' she waved and then disappeared.

 I cried, oh yes I did cry like she just died.

 My mum's call came in again and I picked. We exchanged pleasantries and she told me they were coming over the next day to see my new house. As a soft boy, I told her to buy some soft drinks first and share to all the villagers both old and young, bills on me.

Oh yes you don't need to tell me I tried, that's how stars do. 

The end! 

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