
Thursday, April 18, 2024



Episode 2

On the 72nd hour, my girlfriend was around and was in the kitchen while I was in the bedroom when she appeared again. I didn't even know when my phone fell off my hand. 

''What is it again, why don't you just leave me alone?'' I summoned the courage to ask her, I was trembl!ng in fear.

''This is the 72nd hour. Have you agreed to help me do what I want you to do?'' She queried rubbing one of her fingers.

''I can't, please. I'm not a force man so how do you expect me to rescue your dad, help take care of your grandmother and avenge you and your grandfather's death? With what? Please, I can't. You're a ghost now you should be able to do all these things yourself. '' I let out, gripping so hard the top of the chair I was sitting on.

''Yes I'm a ghost, but I lack what it takes to do all these things myself, that's why I chose you to do it for me'' she said.

''Chose me? Am I Merlin?? Ah, God what's all this? I can't o please I can't''. I yelled waving my hand in disagreement. 

''You see, I'm a ghost, but a very unhappy, sad and angry one at that'' she said giving me an ugly stare.

Then my girlfriend stepped in all of a sudden.

''Babe, what is it? Who were you talking to? '' she queried looking around

''No, no one. I'm rehearsing my lines for our drama in church on Sunday .'' I replied with my trembl!ng voice

''Drama in church? You? Have you been to church since two years ago? '' she questioned bursting into laughter. 

''Is that why you're now laughing? Well, I joined the drama unit last Sunday and they gave me the role of a pastor. So I was rehearsing before you came in''  

''Ewoooo! Pa what? Oya continue o let me go and check the rice I'm boiling.'' My girlfriend said to me while shutting my bedroom door and laughing so hard at the same time. 

Then I turned to the little ghost 

''Have you seen what you're turning me into? Please go, I can't do it.'' 

She raised her head and looked at me. 

''No problems, I will go. But what if you sleep and don't wake up? ''

''Aah! O Christ of Nazareth!! But I'm not responsible for your death now'' I yelled. 

''I know. You're just in for it. So will you? '' she questioned

''OK OK, what do you want me to do now? '' I queried staring at her.

''Good question! My grandma is in the village suffering, I need you to take money to her'' she said. 

I looked at her in disbelief. 

''Money from where? I don't have any money.'' I said to her looking away.

''No worries, please give me a minute.'' she said raising a finger in the air.

She disappeared and then reappeared after a few seconds with a small black bag. 

''Take, that's money in there." She said stretching forth the bag and I took it squeezing my face, she then continued.
" You will help give this to my grandma. When she asks you who gave it to her tell her it's from a good samaritan, and from someone she knows. Bring a pen and write down the address.'' She said.

 I was reluctant at first, but when she gave me that dev!l!sh look I hurried to my bag hung on the wall and brought out a pen, then wrote down the address she called. I raised my head to ask her if going there all alone was safe but she had disappeared. 

The following day I travelled down to her grandma's village with the address she gave me. What's her name again? Oh, Ariana.

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite's.

 I knocked on the door and an old woman of about 70 years old opened. She was looking lean, pale and haggard at the same time. I told her who I was looking for and she confirmed she was the one. I handed her the small bag and told her that a good Samaritan had asked me to give it to her. 

''A good Samaritan? '' She asked while opening the bag. But as soon as she saw the money, she dropped the bag all of a sudden, picked it up again and then stretched it forth to me. 

''Please I can't take it. Though it's been long I saw this kind of money and even though I'm starving and it's been long I had a decent meal, I'll keep on managing till God finally takes my life, I can't take it''

''Mama please keep it, It's from someone you know. I'm just an errand boy and don't worry, all will be well. '' I assured her, staring at her as she gave me that doubting look.

Tears rolled down her wrinkled face as she held the bag so tightly on her chest, and then I turned and left. 

''Thank God at least, minus one, Maybe two left. So that this ghost girl will just leave me alone in peace. '' I said to myself 

I got home that day looking very tired. I opened the gate to my compound and I saw my landlord with his domestic workers and his sons in the company of some police officers. My heart skipped, then I walked up to my landlord already trembling.

''Baba, what's happening? '' I questioned 

'' My dear, it's the business money I brought home two days ago o, I kept It in my small bag and then hid it in my wardrobe. How the bag disappeared I don't know. A whole 1.7 million naira developed wings and flew away. Let them go and t0rture these ones that are in my house forming wizky (wizkid) and bona boy ( burna boy) first, I'm sure they and their girlfriends know something about my missing money. ' He said pointing at his children. 

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