
Thursday, April 18, 2024




 The following day very early in the morning, I was still in bed when I heard a very loud music coming from my living room. I jerked up all of a sudden, paused for a minute then tiptoed into the kitchen. I grabbed my frying Pan, tiptoed into the living room and hid behind the curtains, then I heard a very loud laughter, it came from behind. It was the little ghost Ariana. 

'Stop scaring me please, what is it and what do you want again? ' I questioned with the pan raised above my head, I was already shivering. 

'So if it were to be a thief what would you have been able to do with this pan? ' she giggled pointing at the pan.

'Forget, you don't know how skillful I can be. What are you doing here this early or you don't do chores in your world? ' I questioned looking at her as I lowered my hands but her gaze was fixed on the TV.
 'Ghosts watch TV too? ' I asked, laughing. 

'I need you to help rescue my dad' Ariana said turning to me.

'Ah, this one go hard o'  I muttered.

'How did you even get into all these wahala in the first place? What happened?  I mean who and what killed you and your grandfather, then kidn@pped your dad? ' I asked 

'The who, I'll tell you soon. Then the what killed us?' She asked with a sigh.
' Two days after my dad and I returned from the UK, three armed men broke into our house.I was in the living room with my dad and my grandpa. They shot my grandpa,as soon as I saw him fall on the ground in the pool of his own blood I ran to the man who shot him and bit his hand, so he shot me and I died. But my grandma was in the kitchen when they came,they didn't know she was there when they took my daddy away.'

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite's.

'What?  That's serious. What about your mom? ' I asked.

'Daddy said she died while giving birth to me ' She replied. 

'Oh oh, so sorry about that ' I pleaded 

'That's OK. So what's your name and what do you do? ' she asked

'My name is Nugwa Daniels but you can call me U. G...As per what I do, well I'm a soft boy like I said. I do affiliate marketing where I help sell some certain products on social media and get paid '

'OK uncle U. G' she said

'No, you can call me just U. G, that's fine' i told her.

Then Ariana continued... 

'Help rescue my dad, I promise you won't get into trouble '

'But how do I do that ?' I asked. 

'Don't worry I'll come back tomorrow then tell you how' she replied. 

'Ehen please, the money you gave to me yesterday for your grandma, where did you get it? Hope it's not what I'm thinking sha?' 

'It's none of your business. You'll find answers to your questions when the time is right' she said. 

Then I heard knocks on my door, I peeped through my window and saw my landlord with some police officers waiting for me to open the door. I looked back but the little Ariana was gone. The frying pan fell off my hand immediately. 'Ayemi temi bami' (I'm finally in for it). I muttered to myself. 

'Open this door o jare. Where is that boy that looks like something that fell off from the tree? ' my landlord yelled banging on my door... 

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