
Saturday, May 11, 2024

"Almost everything you see in the US today was copîed from Africa and modified. We just need to rebrand Africa and change the way the world sees Africa." Akon

"Almost everything you see in the US today was copîed from Africa and modified. We just need to rebrand Africa and change the way the world sees Africa." Akon

"The number one branders in the universe is the United States. They made the United States seem like it's the best place in the world to be, it's the land of the freę, home of the brave, then I go there to chãse my dreams. We Africans have to be able to tell our own stories, directors, filmmakers, entertainers and the press have to take it as a responsibility to redefine how people think about Africa. I can tell you that in Chicago right now, there's more people dyîng than it was in the books I read but you'll never see that in any book or movie. There's alot of things that is happening in the US that they'll never let you see because they choose to show you what they want you to see and make a good name for their nation. No one puts their family business out to the stréets and that's exactly what the US does. But the we have in Africa is when something happens, the media and press is quick to put out the negatîve part of the story. Like in Kenya for instance that I know of 2 terrorîsts attãcks but the media painted it to look like Kenya is at wâr and now people will be afraid of going to Kenya. In that same year, there was over 25000 terrorîst attãcks in the US but you only see of 5% of them in the media. The images that they're showing of Africa in the Western World is historical images way before civilization. This is when they was still battlîng with spęars like time of Shaka-zulu. But then when you look at the US, they're showing Superman, Batman and others. Where's our own African superman? Shaka-zulu should be a superhero today so our kids can watch! We have to tell our own stories like I mean even Jesus is whîte. But then if we try to say that Jesus isn't whîte, you won't agree because it's what your parents to taught you and you'll never look at them like lîars. Your mother and father taught you that because that's what their parents taught them too, and that's what the US want us to know. Our history books are written by whîtemen to suite what they want the world to think of Africa. We Africans have to teach our kids about our own ancestors and the great things that they've accomplished. It's gonna be the job of directors, filmmakers and entertainers to narrate that story. This younger generation we kinda figured it out because now when you look at hip hop in the US, every rapper is rich. They flaunt, luxurious cars, big mansions, nice girls and all of that. And then when the video is over, they getting their phones and call the uber. They don't even any of those things that you see on TV but they've made you to believe they do. But then you go to Nigeria, you've got Wizkid, P-Square, Davido and all these guys driving Bentleys, Lamborghinis, Ferraris and living in mansions actually own those things. If I say it now Africans won't believe but Nigerian artist are way richer than these US rappers. I've been there and that's why I keep saying this all the time that Africa is better than America." Akon

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