
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

An Open Letter to the Nations of Europe, China, and America: A Call for Justice, Respect, and Restraint. The Watcher had been instructed to write

An Open Letter to the Nations of Europe, China, and America: A Call for Justice, Respect, and Restraint. The Watcher had been instructed to write

To the esteemed leaders and people of Europe, China, and America,

We, the children of the soil of Africa, the Great Ubuntu Nation write to you as our brothers and sisters in humanity, urging you to take heed of our message. For 500 years our continent has been a victim of exploitation, slavery, abuse, and mistreatment at the hands of foreign powers. United Nations has never united us but perpetuated theft, war and victimization of nation through the military arm of Nato and Wold bank institutions. 
 The time for Afrika has come for us to break free from the shackles of oppression and claim our rightful place on the global stage. As you read these words from Kind King, know that we speak not with malice, but with a fervent desire for justice, ear sense of history, respect, and deep desire for peace on our land. I command that all guns be silent on the continent and those sponsoring these wars to be brought to book and their guns be used on them. 

Afrikans are the descendants of mighty Empires, kingdoms and proud civilizations that stand as beacons of knowledge, innovation, and culture. 
Six of the most significant precolonial African empires, 
1. The Kingdom of Ghana (c. 300 - c. 1100 CE) - Located in present-day Mauritania, Senegal, and Mali. 

2. The Kingdom of Aksum, Abysinia (c. 100 - c. 940 CE) - Located in present-day Ethiopia, Eritrea, and parts of Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.

3. The Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Monomotapa Empire in the South (c. 1000 - c. 1450 CE) - Located in present-day Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

4. The Kingdom of Benin (c. 1180 - 1897 CE) - Located in present-day Nigeria.

5. The Kingdom of Buganda (c. 1300 - 1900 CE) - Located in present-day Uganda.

6. The Kingdom of Kongo (c. 1400 - c. 1914 CE) - Located in present-day Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, and Gabon.

These empires represent just a few of the many powerful civilizations that flourished throughout Africa before the colonial era. Later broken into smaller kingdoms which fell to the sword of colonialism and later into countries with present colonial boarders and governments. Each had unique cultural, political, and economic systems, contributing to their lasting influence on the continent's history.
Though our history has been manipulated by the conical narrative, marred atrocities of oppression and the theft of our resources, our spirit remains unbroken. We are a people awakening from a deep slumber, our memories intact, and our resolve unwavering. This is our land and we dont have another home in the sky. 

As Afrikan eyes open to the harsh realities of our past and present, we cannot ignore the ongoing injustices that continue to plague our continent. We ask you, as fellow members of the global community, we appeal to your sense of reason to cease the abuse and mistreatment of our people and lands. Halt the plundering of our resources and the fueling of conflicts that serve only your "interests" and continue to sow division and suffering among our Afrikan nations.

We implore you to reconsider your actions, correct the greed of your colonial fathers and the long-term consequences they will have when our continent is liberated and in control of its destiny. How will you face an Africa that has reclaimed its throne and taken its rightful place on the world stage? How will apologise while you refuse to hand over stolen goods? How do you call us poor while you write useless laws that restrict access to means of production? We beseech you to choose the path of peace, understanding, and cooperation rather than one of violence and subjugation. Ultimately you will have to give up your control over land and this reality is inevitable. 

In the spirit of Ubuntu, a philosophy that values the interconnectedness of all human beings, we invite you to embrace a more just and equitable relationship with our continent. Cease your attempts to sow discord, divide and rule to maintain control over our future, for we are a resilient and determined people, and our collective memory of past wrongs will not be easily forgotten. The abuser has to step back while the Nation recovers from the trauma, the militant Afrika will relapse and your lives will be of no value in the light of the blood of our ancestors. 

It is time for the world to acknowledge and respect the rich history, culture, and potential of Africa. Our ancient wisdom and knowledge have contributed much to the world, and we demand that you cease to view us as inferior or as a mere source cheap labour and resources to be exploited and build your economies. Instead, let us work together to build a future based on mutual respect, shared prosperity, and the belief that our common humanity can overcome the divisions of the past.

We offer you a choice: hand over the land in peace, apologise without reservation, and embrace a new era of cooperation, or face the consequences of a continent united in its determination to right the wrongs of history. It is our sincere hope that you will choose the path of peace and understanding, and join us as we work to build a brighter future for all people, regardless of their origins.
I am the Watcher from the Future, Living with you in the Present with solutions from the Past. 

The Awakening Continent of Africa
KPP Maponga Joshua III Marara ChangaMbire Svosve Grand-Son of the 
Monomotapa Empire 
(The Empire of the South)

#everyone #unitedkingdom #europe #america #UnitedNations #SADC #AfricanUnion #IMF #WorldBank #China

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