
Friday, April 19, 2024



In a distant Village, within the heart of a tiny village nestled in the vast expanse of western Africa. 

There resided a king named Uchenna who was the younger brother of Obinna, yet he was crowned as the king of the village.

On the day of Obinna's coronation, the whole villagers gathered themselves to witness the passing of the crown to the king's heir.

 But fate had other plans, obinna fell gravely ill, his body weakened by an invisible hand threatened to snatch away his l!fe.

 The villager's joy turned to s0rrow, for their chosen king could not ascend the throne.

The  coronation rituals of amero forbade a sick king on his coronation day, it was an ill omen, a sign that he might fail to protect his people.

And so, the mantle of leadership shifted unexpectedly to Uchenna, making him the youngest king to rule over the village.

Obinna, lied feverish in his sick bed, hearing the most dreadful news.

His younger brother, who had come to this world after him now stood above him.

Obinna tried convincing his people, it was just a mild sickness, perhaps Uchenna himself had purposely caused the sickness to occur.

Now his crown had skipped to Uchenna, causing him to spite his brother even more, Obinna vowed révenge, his hatred for Uchenna festered like a dèadly viber.

As Obinna regained his strength, he challenged the legitimacy of Uchenna's rule. 

But amero's tradition held firm, the coronation occurred only once.

 "Since he defies the royal lineage, Uchenna rightfully rules us." the villagers said to each other, their words echoed through the thatched huts,

 Leaving Obinna's seethed with suppressed fury hearing the villagers gossips.

Despite being the younger brother, Uchenna governed with wisdom. 

His decisions were fair, and the villagers admired him. 

King  Uchenna had married Adaugo, the most beautiful fruit seller in the village.

Adaugo was the best fruit seller in amero, her fruits were nothing compared to her competitives.

 Her wares were a feast for the senses each fruit had a vibrant promise of sweetness.

The villagers understood why their young king had chosen her, even though he hailed from nobility. 

Unlike Obinna, who remained aloof, Uchenna had played with the village children while he was little, the little prince laughter echoed through the mango groves along with the other Children.

But  Uchenna's wife, queen Adaugo bore no child for the king. 

Few villagers gossip about queen adaugo stating she had trade her unborn offspring for her beautiful looks and prosperity in her fruit stall!.

Maybe that's why her womb remained empty? The villagers keep speculating their tongues  in the market square.

The queen mother (Uchenna's mother) urged him to take in another wife. 

Perhaps a new union would yield the desired heir. But Uchenna clung to Adaugo, steadfast in his love. He vowed to stand by her side, even if it meant defying tradition and risking the future of Amero.


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