
Monday, May 20, 2024



In 1958, an Italian archaeologist discovered the mummified remains of a two-and-a-half-year-old Black boy in a cave in southwestern Libya. But this was a mummy with a difference: it was far older than any comparable examples found in Kemet (Egypt). He was labeled "Uan Muhuggiag" but the nickname the "Black Mummy from the Green Sahara" quickly stuck with him.

The culture that produced the mummy were cattle herders, and occupied much of North Africa, at a time when the Sahara was a savannah. Links with later Kemetic (Egyptian) culture have also been found, including the representation in rock art of dog-headed human figures (resembling Anubis), and a type of pottery decoration later found in the southern Nile valley.

The mummy was destined for controversy. He was older than any comparable Kemetic mummy and his mere existence challenged the very idea that the Kemetyu (ancient Egyptians) were the first in the region to mummify their dead. Uan Muhuggiag was no one off. The sophistication of his mummification suggested he was the result of a long tradition of mummification.

The discovery raised some profound questions. Who were the ancient inhabitants of the Sahara Desert who put the mummy there? And what influence might those people have had on the glittering civilization that later emerged in the land of the pharaohs?

The 5600 year old Tashwinat Mummy known as the Black Mummy of the Green Sahara is the earliest evidence of advanced mummification in the world and was discovered in 1958 by Professor Fabrizio Mori. It predates the earliest Kemetic mummy by nearly a thousand years and was found in modern-day Libya. This 2 and a half year old boy's organs were removed, as evidenced by incisions in his stomach and thorax, and an organic preservative was inserted to stop his body from decomposing. He was embalmed and wrapped in cowhide. 

An ostrich eggshell necklace was placed around his neck and the boy was given a royal burial. Anthropological evidence has revealed the populations of the green Sahara during the early to mid Holocene era, were black Africans. Due to extreme climate change and the desertification of the Sahara, These populations were forced to migrate and with them they transported the science of mummification and the tradition of cattle worship and iconography to the Nile Valley.

These traditions had deep African roots and would continue in the Nile Valley. The cultural blending of the various populations resulted in thousands of years of intellectual and spiritual evolution. The Nile Valley was populated by various populations from the source of the Nile, the Green Sahara, Nabta Playa, and the Horn of Africa. The Sahel was a region which facilitated thousands of years of bilateral migration from the west coast of Africa to Northeast Africa. The migrations back and forth date back to the younger dryas era.

The Napta Playa Stone Circle in Sudan was a pre-Dynastic megalithic astronomical observatory which ancient African asters and high priest studied the procession of the equinox since as early as 9,000 BCE. 

Napta Playa Stone Circle & the Origins of Pharaonic Kingship:

Early pharaonic culture was seeded in the south between the regions of Qustul and the city of Nekheb. It was this fusion of early African ingenuity which planted the seeds of civilization and birthed the nation of Kemet.

The Mystery Of The Extraordinary Black Mummy | The Tashwinat Mummy | Real History full Documentary: 

"I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds." ~35th & 36th Principals of Ma'at

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