
Saturday, May 11, 2024

This is posted in response to claims Moors were not dark skinned that they maximally had light brown complexion but don't existed as darker. Some of them actually were quite dark.

This is posted in response to claims Moors were not dark skinned that they maximally had light brown complexion but don't existed as darker. Some of them actually were quite dark.

P. S:Some were also confusing it with later western medieval usage of that term not realising meaning was not completely identical with that original ancient.

PROCOPIUS(6th century),Wars of Justinian 4.13.29:
Moorish chieftain told him about other people living far from his own land who are of rather very white body and light hair unlike his own,moorish peoples-"black- skinned like the moors".

CORIPPUS(6th century), De Bellis Libycis, 6.92-98:

In this passage Corippus describes how Roman mothers scared their children with apparently very dark skin of some of the Moors:

"...Nor were all the captives of the same color. There sat a woman, horrid to behold, the same color as her black children.They were like the young of crows, whom you can see turning black as their mother sits above them, holding out to their open mouths the food they eat each day and lovingly embracing them with her outstretched wings. And while mothers and fathers took pleasure in showing these horrible faces to their little children..."

Elsewhere in the same work 1.245-6 Corippus also mention:
"Its face seemed Moorish, fearful in dark colour".

ISIDORUS(early 7th century) in his Etymologies IX.ii.120 says that:

Moors(Mauri in latin) are called like that through borrowing it from greek languge after their color which is black(mauros:black/dark in greek).And that "blasted by blistering heat,they have countenance of a dark color."

Elsewhere he also describes that XIX.xxiii.7:

"the Albanians shine with their white hair,the Moors have bodies black as night,while the skin of the Gauls is white."

And at other place XIV.v.10:

"Mauretania is so called after the color of its inhabitants for the Greeks call black "mauros",just as the name for Gaul is derived from whitness of its inhabitants,so also the name for Mauretania from blackness."

JUVENALS’s Satires(late 1st,early 2nd century),52-55:

"And your cup will be handed to you by a Gaetulian footman or the bony hand of a dark Moor, a character you’d not want to run into in the middle of the night while being conveyed past the tombs on the hilly Latin Way."

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