
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN SPUR; Imperial Count Palatine, by Georgius Jehner von Orlamünde c. 1483

KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN SPUR; Imperial Count Palatine, by Georgius Jehner von Orlamünde c. 1483

The Knights of the Golden Spur, "Golden Knights of the Holy Roman Empire", were a public official elite of the Holy Roman Empire which consisted mainly of members of the gentry, but also from members of the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy…

The honorees were awarded the accolade not necessarily for their knighthood, but because of special services…

It was a personal honour for services rendered, which was not hereditary…

The knight had the right to wear, contrary to existing regulations, golden spurs, or even a gold-plated armor…

More practically, he enjoyed the right to wear a gold collar (or “chain”) around the neck…

An imperial count palatine was an official in the Holy Roman Empire with quasi-monarchical ("palatine") powers…

In all, over 5,000 imperial counts palatine were created between the 14th and 18th centuries…

This portrait is another fine example of misinformation (whether purposeful or not), building upon misinformation…

This group of young Black men are said to be "Members of the Theban Legion" (only one is in armor) relating to the mythical Saint Maurice…

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