
Tuesday, June 18, 2024



We don't have to guess. The Kemetyu told us, as did other Anciēnt people writing about the Kemetyu.

But her name was not Ta-Kem (black land), but instead Kemet (black nation).

1. Their very name, Kemet, means Blāck Natiøn. The determinative at the end in the mdu ntchr means "community" or "Natiøn."
Thus it is saying, Blāck Natiøn. If it was to say Blāck Land, then the wørd would be Ta-Kem, just as we see in names that did refer to lands, such as Ta-Khent, Ta-Seti, and even Kemet's alternate name, Ta-Meri.

Because Kemet had such limited arable land, they were never keen on føreigners moving to their land.
2. They were clear that they Øriginated from Kūsh, an indisputable Blāck Africān nātion. This was agreed upon by the Grēēks, who were explicīt that Kush was the mother of Kemet.

3. Because of the strong evidence, some (including some Faux-Afrocentrics) have argūed that Kemet was some kind of "mulatto" nātion. They do this because mēntal-slāves are only able to value Blackness if it is mixed with some other race.

Therefore, even in their attempt to rēclaim the Kemetic legacy, they feel like they have to make it "mixed" instead of simply Blāck, for it to be valuable.

4. Pharaonic Kēmet was not a primarily mīxed-race nātion. They were primarily Blāck Africān.

However, they did come in a variety of indigenøus Blāck Africān shades, just as we still find today in countries like Chad, Sudan, Niger, Ethiopia, Mali, South Africa, etc.

5. During the impērialistic age of Kēmet (following Senusret I just after 2000 bce), Kēmet extended its pøwer far into Asia and the northern Mediterranean.

Some colønized føreigners did begin to move to Kēmet, just as we see colønized føreigners today enjoy moving to the colønizing master country. However, these numbers of Asiatic immigrants were relatively small and mostly rēstricted to the coastal north of Kēmet.

Because Kemet had such limited arable land, they were never keen on føreigners moving to their land.

Even under the expānsionist 18th and 19th-dynasties, Kēmet's primary population was still Blāck Africān.

Most of the mixing that occurred at this time was in Kanaan, where Kemetyu regularly mixed with Asiatics.

During the Achaēmenid conquest of Kēmet around 525 bce, their was little immigratiøn to Kēmet from Blāck Persian.

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