
Friday, July 26, 2024



In the Scriptures, Kush is the modern day country of Sudan… (Khartum, Meroë)

The modern day country of Ethiopia was a separate kingdom founded by Sabeans, known later as the Kingdom of Aksum…

“Hermes” is just an Egyptian synonym for the "Son of Ham"

The composition of “Her-Mes” is, first, from "Her", which in Chaldee is synonymous with "Ham", or "Khem", "The Burnt One"

Then, secondly, "Mes" is from Mesheh, meaning "to draw forth"

There is a connection between this word and birth...

Thus, Her-Mes is "The Son of Her, or Ham" The Burnt One, that is, Cush...

“Now Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was black, in other words, was a negro. "Can the Ethiopian change his skin? "is in the original, "Can the Cushite” do so?”

“I have already noticed the fact that Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was a negro”

“Now there was a tradition in Egypt, recorded by Plutarch, that ''Osiris was black" which, in a land where the general complexion was dusky, must have implied something more than ordinary in its darkness”

“Nimrod, over all the world, is represented with the features and complexion of a negro.”

“Bacchus, the Greek Osiris, was the son of Ethiops, and Plutarch records the tradition that Osiris was black, and therefore an Ethiopian or Cushite, the black colour being peculiar to the Cushite race as implied by the prophet Jeremiah, "Can the Ethiopian (Cushite) change his skin" (Jer. xiii. 23)”

“We have also seen that Osiris was black, or of Cushite race, and this was the characteristic of the Egyptians”

“There were two races in Egypt, viz., the Mizraimites who first colonized the country, and the black Egyptians, the latter receiving their name from “Ægyptus”, the son of Belus, i.e., Cush”

“Both in Manetho's dynasties and on the monumental lists, "Mena" (written by the Greeks Menes) and "Athoth," or "Athothes," are always represented as the first two human kings of Egypt”

“Menes" it is said by Diodorus, "instituted the worship of the gods”—that is to say, he was the originator of idolatry.”

“But it was Thoth, or Hermes, i.e., Cush, appointed king over Egypt by Nimrod, who "first arranged those things which belonged to religion and the worship of the gods””

“So also it was Hermes Trismegistus whom Manetho, the Egyptian priest, calls our forefather—i.e., he from whom the Cushite Egyptians were descended—who "wrote the sacred books which were translated from the writings which were deposited by the first Hermes in the land of Siriad." 

“Hermes” is just an Egyptian synonym for the "Son of Ham"

The composition of “Her-Mes” is, first, from "Her", which in Chaldee is synonymous with "Ham", or "Khem", "The Burnt One"

Then, secondly, "Mes" is from Mesheh, meaning "to draw forth"

There is a connection between this word and birth...

Thus, Her-Mes is "The Son of Her, or Ham" The Burnt One, that is, Cush...

“If, then, Hermes and Menes were both the first instructors of the Egyptians in religion and the worship of the gods, and both were the forefathers from whom the Egyptian kings claimed descent, it is clear that they were one and the same person.”

“All doubt of the identity of Menes and Hermes or Thoth must cease when we consider the name of the son and successor of Menes, viz., Athothes, which is simply the Greek genitive of the first declension of Athoth, the monumental name of the king, and Athothes thus means "proceeding from," i.e., "born of, Thoth."

“In short, Eratosthenes, in his canon of the kings of Egypt, says that Athothes, the son of Menes, is called by interpretation "Hermogenes," i.e., born of Hermes, and Menes and Hermes, or Thoth, are therefore one and the same person.”

“It follows from this that Athothes, the son of Menes or Hermes, i.e., Cush, is Osiris or Ægyptus, i.e., Nimrod, and that Cush and Nimrod were both the first two kings of Babylon and the first two kings of Egypt.”

“The evidence seems to afford conclusive proof that the first kings of the Egyptian monarchy, viz., Menes or Mena, and Athothes or Athoth, were also the first kings of Babylon, and founders of the great Cushite Empire, viz., Cush or Belus, and Nimrod or Ninus, the latter being also known in Egypt as Osiris, Sesostris and Egyptus ; that he, having conquered Egypt, made his father king over it, and that they and the Cushites were the progenitors of the black or Egyptian race, as distinguished from the descendants of Mizraim.”

“It has been shown that Menes {i.e., Mena or Meni), the first king of Egypt, is identical with Thoth or Meni, whom the second Cronus, or Nimrod, made king of Egypt, and that Thoth is identical with the first Cronus or Belus, who was also the first king of Babylon, viz., Cush.”


(Alexander Hislop, "The Two Babylons; Or, the Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife"; 1873)

(John Garnier, “The Worship of the Dead: Or the Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry and Its Bearing Upon the Early History of Egypt and Babylonia”; 1904)

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