
Sunday, April 21, 2024



Collins: I was not angry all this while because it's not your fault but just an unforseen circumstances. But right now I'm so mad at you,you are making me feel you planned everything yourself.

Mimi: planned what ?

Collins: the, I guest you enjoyed yourself. After all you tested 4 different manhood just one night,oh I meant 5.

Mimi: can you hear yourself? You are now insulting me indirectly.

Collins: you are already an insult for choosing to keep that ba.sta.rd inside you.

Mimi: please stop hurting me this way, you are driving me crazy with your words

Collins: you haven't seen anything,there is still time for you to get rid of that bast.ard inside you.

Mimi stood up and push Collins from the room,she lock the room door from inside.

Collins match the door,but Mimi didn't open,she just sat down at back of the door crying,she slept off there till the next day.

Collins stop going to work,he just want to be home to torment Mimi till she will agree to terminate the pregnancy but all his words, accusations were not affecting Mimi because she has decided she won't abo.rt the child that's final.

Collins frustrated Mimi to the extent he bring different women to his house to sleep with.
He comes home drunk at times and keep calling Mimi a cheap slut.

Mimi continue to bear the torment and torture till she finally put to birth.

Mimi gave birth to a baby boy,even after giving birth to the child Collins continue humiliating her and the child, Collins did not touch neither get close to the child to see how he look like.
He kept calling the child bas.tard and Mimi the mother of bas.tard.

One faithful day, Mimi went out to get baby food,she is having poor lactation. The little baby was far asleep.

After sometime the baby start crying,Mimi isn't back yet,the cry is too much. Collins went to the room,his intention is to carry the child and drop outside the house,but when he pick the baby for the first time he notice the boy had same birth mark with him on his neck.
He rushed and check the baby legs he saw another birth mark same spot with his.
Mimi walk in to see him holding the child,she rush and collected the baby from him.

To be continued

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