
Sunday, April 21, 2024



When Collins return from work, he went to checkup on Mimi, only to see the room empty.
He checked all the rooms in the house she and the baby isn't there.
He saw the written note, "please don't look for us because you won't find us"
He felt so empty, where will I start looking for her? He ask himself.

The next day, Collins called Mimi's mom to ask about her well being and that of her husband,she said everyone is fine. Mimi's mom ask about Mimi and her grandchild from Collins,he said they are fine.

Collins concluded I doubt if she went there,if she is there her mom won't ask about her from me. Let me call my parents,he called his parents he ask if Mimi is there but they said no.

Collins has been looking for Mimi for the past 4months,yet no lead or clue to get to her.
But he didn't give up,he continue asking all her friends in the university if they know her where about but no news from her.
One evening,Collins receive a call from unknown number, he picked. 

Collins: who am I on to please?

Mimi's friend: I'm Nancy, Mimi's friend back in school,do you remember me?
Collins: wow,long time Nancy who will forget foodie Nancy. How are you doing?

Mimi's friend: I'm fine.please I don't have much time to talk,just write this address down. Your wife is in my house for months.

Collins wrote the address down sharply

Collins: thank you so much,I own you allot for this.

Mimi's friend: please don't tell her I gave you this address, thank you bye.

The next day Collins went to the address to see Mimi, Mimi is shock to see him.
Mimi: how did you find this place?

Collins: Dear,from a friend, I have been searching for you for long. Please forgive me,I can't live without you dear.

Mimi: I'm done with you Collins.

Nancy: Mimi please forgive your husband for the sake of your child.

Collins: yes dear, please forgive me for our baby's sake 

Mimi: which baby? Same baby you ask me to ab.ort? Same baby you maltreated me during his pregnancy? I just can't forgive you, please leave.

Nancy: to err is human, to forgive is divine. This child is a gift from God to bring you both together, it's time to forgive him.its been so many months already,your son also need his father's attention,love and care.

Mimi: if he agrees to my conditions,I will forgive him.

Collins: I accept any conditions, please forgive me my love.

Mimi: (1) you have to get a new house for us,I won't return to that house again (2) you have to forgive yourself and heal too (3) you have to see me as your wife not the lady that was ra.ped.
(4) you have to stop drinking and be responsible (5) you will never hurt Me or our son.

Collins: I promise to do All and I will even do more so far you forgive me and return back with me. I will buy a new house by this week then I will come pick you both.

Mimi: I will be waiting,I'm only forgiving you because you stop me so many times from committing suicide,if not I won't have forgiven you.

Collins: thank you my love,I will go make arrangements for a new home then I will come pick you guys up by weekend

Mimi: will be waiting for you,bye.

Collins manage to arrange a new house for himself and his family,he went to pick Mimi and his son from Nancy's house. He appreciated Nancy by standing by his wife and child,he gave her a huge some of money to thank her, Nancy thank Collins as well.

Collins and his family went back home,this time a new house,a house that does not remind them of the trauma they went through.

Collins kneel down and appreciated Mimi for forgiving him and he also promise her,he will never hurt her and their son again.
Both Mimi and Collins named their son "God's gift" Collins took care of his family with time Mimi started having feelings for him again.
Mimi did not only forgive Collins,but she was able to find peace and happiness once again.

Collins showed her so much love that it erase the trauma of that night from her memory.

The 4 arm Robbers were shot on their last robbery,they all died shamelessly,there bodies were use for practical by medical students (lap rat)in the university.

Mimi also had more children for her husband, Collins,Mimi and their kids lived happy ever after.

The End.

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