
Sunday, April 21, 2024



Nina came back from work in the skin penetrating heat, exhausted. She was partially blinded by the brightness of the sun. 

It darkened her eyes and she couldn't see clearly as she entered the dark corridor of the public compound she stayed at. 

She stood for some time to be able to clear her vision before moving, She finally was able to see a bit clearer.

She managed to unlock the door of her room and entered, still touching the walls with her hands so she wont slip.

She was still trying to open her eyes when a sharp light struck out like lightning from a mirror in her room.

She turned to where it came from, and saw a strange mirror in her room, it was placed in the middle of the wall, directly opposite the door.

She was wondering who must have brought in a mirror without her permission.

And even mounted it in the room and in the middle of the wall directly facing the door as one enters.

She was confused, so she stood still, trying to figure out some things.

Suddenly she looked again and saw a chair that wasn't there when she entered initially.

Nina became more confused as she couldn't comprehend the atmosphere around her in the room.

She then heard a soft tiny feminine voice whispering in her ear, "sit down".

She turned swiftly to see who it was, yet, she didn't see anyone, she stood there puzzled, her heart leaped as she didn't know who it was and where it was coming.

It said again "Nina, sit down". 

"Who are you and why did you set these things in my house? Nina asked curiously.

"You don't need that right now, just sit" the tiny voice said again.

Nina proved stubborn and stood still daring to see if the person would appear, the tiny voice whispered again audibly, for the last time Nina, I say sit down". 

Immediately it was like she was moved by some forces and she went slowly to the chair and sat, looking around the house if she could see anyone.

After that, she looked in the mirror and saw a better and sweet version of herself appeared.

She looked so much like Nina, from her head to her toe.

The only difference was that she was more beautiful and fresher than Nina.

Nina couldn't figure out what was happening.

The image in the picture stretched her right hand out to hold Nina.

Nina gave out her hand freely, she held Nina's hand and gave out a heart melting smile.

Nina was still wondering what was funny and why the image was smiling.

The image looked Nina in the eyes and Nina could see some sparkles of lights in her eyes.

The image smiled again and asked calmly"Do you know me"?

"No please who are you and why are you here"? 
Nina asked. 

"One question at a time, Nina, she said smiling all over again.

" Okay please I don't know you, who are you", she asked again.

" My name is Nina". The image said smiling.

Nina got puzzled to hear that she had the same name as hers , she became more curious and asked.

" Why is your name Nina and you look so much like me". Nina asked.

The image smiled again and looked at Nina.

" Do not go there yet, why not ask how old I am, where I schooled, how I started my life, where I am and the beautiful place I have ahead". She said calmly still smiling all over.

It became really interesting and Nina exhaled deeply and asked her those questions she mentioned consecutively.

Nina was shocked to hear that the image mentioned the same schools, the same age as hers, the same goals of life, and how she started her life just like Nina.

Nina withdrew her hand from the image folding them to her chest, and glued her eyes to the mirror.

She was really moved by how someone she didn't know will appear, all adorned by beautiful beads, in a princess's attire, yet had the same tough life experiences as her.

Her heart leaped, fear instilled in her as she kept pondering on the things the image mentioned.

**. **. **. **.       

Out of curiosity, she touched the mirror thinly, it felt like water in her hands but then turned to some powdering substance and disappeared into the thin air.

Her eyes widened up as she looked at the image and she smiled again.

"Can I ask some more questions? Nina asked still gluing her eyes to the mirror.

"Yes whatever that is on your mind, I am here to answer. The image replied.

"Who are you and what do you really want? Nina asked with a stammering tone. 

The image smiled again widely and replied.

"Why not let me take you on a journey, she said and stretched her hand again to hold Nina".

To be continued.....

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