
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tears of a Child Episode 11 & 12

Tears of a Child Episode 11 & 12

Episode 11

As nurse Jen was driving, my heart was beating and my b©dy was shaking I was timorous , wishing she could just drive me to the village to be with Grandma.

” Why are are don’t you want to go home?” She asked

I gazed at her and tears started rolling down my chin .

” I have told you to st©p crying . See, your father is not dead and gone . When I was a child , I lost my elder sister she mean dear to me I mean everything to me because she was my only sister and brother in the world. My parents gave birth to just two of us. I woke up one morning and she was gone ”

” She was gone ? Was she sick ?” I asked in amazement.

” She wasn’t sick before we both went to be-d that night . But the doctor confirmed that she has night fever that resulted to her dead” nurse Jen spoke as tears slowly dr!pp£ddown her chin to her white shi-t.

” Am so, sorry nurse jen ” I replied .

” But you know what ? She is dead but not gone . For each time I want to see her, I just close my eyes and I will see her standing right in front of me. Try it one day it works ” she added.

I was t©uçhed by her words wishing aunty Amara could just be like nurse Jen .so friendly and un-derstand .

We were still driving when I decided to asked nurse Jen a question.

” Nurse Jen, does God truly exist ?”

” Why do you asked ” she replied .

” Because my grandma said he does exist and that he is the father to the fatherless and she also said he help those that called on to him ”

She gazed at me and heaved a de-ep sigh and said ;

” He exist to those that knows him , as for me he doesn’t exist in my life as the doctor has said; we are born to give birth and die ”

I kept quiet couldn’t uttered anymore words when I pu-ll-ed off Jesus sticker that was on my story book and threw away throu-gh the window.

” What was that for ” nurse Jen asked .

” The man is just a picture that doesn’t exist ” I replied in tears.

” But has he ever answered your prayers ? ” She asked .

I thought for a while flashing back all the prayer request I had asked God for , I thought of how I table my prayers to him to bring back my parents and how I table my prayers to him to make grandpa rich so he could take me away from aunty Amara’s house. I was still thinking when I remembered that one prayer request he answered which was s£nding me uncle mike as a helper.

” Yes, but just ones ” I replied .

She pu-ll-ed over and said;

“If he had ever answered your prayers why then do you have to doubt him” she asked.

” Because he s£nt me a helper and still took him away ” I replied in tears .

” Yours is even better that he answered one of yours . I don’t believe in God because, before my sister died, my pastor was preaching in church one Sunday that God is the beginning and the end , he went on saying God answers all prayers . The one that shocked me the most was when he preached about a Young boy of fifteen who lost his mother. We were told that the young boy prayed bitterly and his mother rose from the dead . So when I lost my sister, I prayed but she didn’t wake. My Dad bec@m£ sick, so sick that I prayed and fasted but still it didn’t work out he died right in the hospital now my mother has been in the hospital four more than four months now ” she spoke in tears .

I was just a little boy with big wishes . I cried de-ep inside, wishing I could safe her dying mother .

She started back her car and asked if I was hungry I told her I was fine . But I was hungry just that I had no appetite for anything .

As we were driving, her phone ranged and she picked up the phone, after some minutes of conversation with the caller , she made a U- turn back to the hospital.

” Ain’t we going home again? I asked in amazement.

” I was just called in the hospital and my pres£nce is nee-ded ” she spoke in a cracky voice .

” I hope all is well ?” I asked .

” Just shut up let’s go” she replied.

We got to the hospital and everywhere was crowded .


Episode 12

Everywhere was crowded , people were standing by the hospital gate, the doctor was talking to one of the nurses . Nurse Jen ran inside the hospital in amazement I was following her behind as well, wondering why the hospital was filled up.

” You called me ” nurse Jen asked the doctor.

” Yes I did. There is an emergency that nee-ds your pres£nce . Haven’t you dropped him at home yet ? The doctor asked in amazement.

” I was on my way when you called. I haven’t gone far when I decided to rush back as you said on phone is an emergency” nurse Jen replied .

” Any ways. Some couples were brou-ght in some minutes ago, they were involved in an accident and I want you to take care of them for they are seriously injured , and I know you are the right person that can attend to them at the moment”

As they were talking, I went to the side of the hospital wall, I was by the corner by myself . Thinking of uncle mike , asking myself where I will get another helper. I was in thought when nurse Jen asked me to follow her to the patient ward .

I followed her in to the hospital room and then I saw a wounded man, his right hand was broken and blood was rushing from the side of his head. I felt pity for him .

” Is he going to die like uncle Mike ?” I asked nurse Jen in tears.

” Shut up . He is not going to die . And don’t ever wish one dead ” she replied wrathfully . But when she discovered that I was in tears, she asked me to sit out.

I left the hospital room heading out when I saw a man running in short and a sleeveless in to the same hospital room I left .

I went and sat down waiting for nurse Jen to take me home. About some minutes later I saw her with the same man that ran in with a sleeveless running out together.

The way the sleeveless man was running mad me remembered papa Dele.

Papa Dele is Grandpa’s best friend in the village . I could still remember very clearly when Grandpa wanted buying a piece of land in the village that papa dele stood as his brother and his surety when he went to the bank to collect loan .

After grandpa had collected the loan, they c@m£ back home . The next day, I was with Grandpa peeling cas-sava when papa dele ran to my grandpa in a sleeveless and a short crying like a baby .

” I really nee-d your help ” papa dele spoke in tears .

Grandpa gazed at him in surprised . Grandpa stood for a while wondering why his best friend papa dele was crying for .

” You don’t have to cry and beg me for help . You are my best friend and everyone know in this village knows. So cry not ” grandpa spoke .

” Is my wife , is my wife oooh” papa dele spoke in tears .

” What about your wife ? Grandpa asked .

I was still peeling the cas-sava on the floor pretending as if I wasn’t listening to them .

” She was involved in an accident , and the doctor said he won’t commence with treatment if a deposit of fifty thousand is not deposited ” papa dele replied in tears .

Grandpa heaved a de-ep sigh and went inside his room and brou-ght out money in an envelope and handed it over to his friend papa dele as the villagers usually called him .

He was excited that morning thanking grandpa. After he had thanked grandpa he left in a hurry .

” You are a good example of a friend” grandma spoke from inside the house.

I was still in thought when the man on sleeveless tapped me on the shoulder and said nurse Jen wants to see you outside.

I was lazy to get up because I was really tired and hungry .

” Boy you have to come fast ooh” the sleeveless man spoke hurriedly and left.

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