
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Tears Of A Child Episode 13 & 14

Tears Of A Child Episode 13 & 14

I followed the sleeveless man outside and saw aunty Amara with Ada standing by the hospital door, aunty Amara was angrily gazing at me.

“Madam , we waited for you to come and pick up your son but you didn’t show up” nurse Jen spoke in a cool voice .

” The idiot you called my son is not my son but a witch . This boy you are seeing here , because of his wicked soul his parents left him . His Grandparents couldn’t take his bad habit so they brou-ght him to me to kill me . First thing tomorrow morning he is parking his clothes and leave my house as for me, I can’t stay with a devil child ” aunty Amara spoke angrily.

” Haaaaaah, madam you don’t have to say such words to a little child , he is just a child” nurse Jen replied in a cool voice , taping aunty Amara on the shoulder.

” A child with a devlish heart is leaving my house to day , today I can’t keep him anymore” aunty Amara added.

Nurse Jen bec@m£ speechless , immediately her phone rang and she went aside answering her phone.

I was sitting on the hospital chair when aunty Amara c@m£ and dragged me to the ears , pu-lling them as if it was a ru-bber ban-g . I was shouting and crying for pains put she kept on drawing them very ha-rd . My eyes turned red all because of pains .

” You think you can kill my husband and walk away freely? No, no, nooo. I will kill you to day by the time we get home. I will make sure you join him to wherever you s£nt him to ” aunty Amara sparked wrathfully hitting my head to the hospital chair .

I was by the side of the hospital chair crying and panicking for fear, fully knowing what aunty Amara is capable of doing . I looked up to the sky and prayed silently to God in heaven even after doubting on him . Just that something de-ep inside me was still having that trust and love for him .

I was quite by the chair as tears continuously to leak slowly from my eyes to the ground. My eyes was still we-t when nurse Jen c@m£ and saw me in tears , I saw the look on her face she felt pity for me but didn’t uttered a word to me or aunty Amara.

” I don’t want to go back home with aunty Amara . plea-se don’t allow her take me home with her ” I cried out whispering to nurse Jen ears .

” You have to follow your aunty to the house . I have no power to st©p her from taking you home , beside you have been staying with her , Am sorry Ben, I can’t st©p her from taking you home” she replied.

” She will kill me if I follow her home plea-se nurse Jen don’t let me go with aunty Amara ” I shouted out this time around to everyone hearing .

” Hahahaaha evil child . He knew what he has done that’s why he doesn’t want to follow me home ” Aunty Amara spoke wrathfully.

” You have used your evil spirit that you have been praying to every night to kill my father right? I don’t blame you I blame the person you prayed to every time ” Ada spoke in an annoying manner.

I didn’t uttered a word to her for all I could do was to cry like a baby . Just Jen nurse Jen held me by the hand, dragging me to the corner and asked a question that broke me in pieces. She said ;

” This one that everyone is calling you a witch , tell me the truth did you killed your uncle? mike ”

I bec@m£ speechless as i gazed her in the eyes. Tears of pains and heart break dr!pp£ddown from my eyes to the ground.

” If aunty Amara is calling me a witch will you also call me that ?” I asked bitterly and ran to where I threw my Jesus n£¢kless and wore it back to my n£¢k .

” I rather believe in a man I have never seen even if he failed me over and over again ” I said to aunty Amara arranging my Jesus n£¢kless to my n£¢k .

I was in tears praying de-ep down inside me when the mortuary attendance ran to aunty Amara and said ;

” Nurse Jen , the b©dy wey you bring some hours ago to the mortuary they move oooh , the man never die. I swear I saw him move and shouting ” the mortuary attendance spoke out in fear.

Nurse Jen left what she was doing throwing her phone to the ground and rushed to the mortuary with the mortuary attendance.

Aunty Amara and Ada followed her to the mortuary with run .

I was crying by the side wondering which b©dy nurse Jen took to the mortuary . Because I can fully recalled that the b©dy she took to the mortuary was uncle Mike’s b©dy .

” Could it be uncle mike? Is he alive ? Has God finally answered my prayers ? ” I thought to myself in fear .


Episode 14

I wiped off my tears and quic-kly followed them to the mortuary . The mortuary was crowded, people were standing looking at wonders .

I also rushed in between crowd of people to see the wonders, some stood still, others were having a conversation with there fellow friends.

“God let it be uncle mike plea-se . I am sorry for not believing in you at first . I am de-eply sorry . Grandma has told me a lot about you, the good things you have done to her plea-se lord , show that goodness upon your son” I prayed silently in my heart wiping off my tears.

Just then the mortuary door was opened and a man covered with in white clothes was been rushed in to the main hospital . The doctors and the nurses were all amazed.

” I have never witness this kind of thing in my life before except in a movie ” one of the nurses spoke out loud to everyone’s hearing .

” This is unbelievable . I can’t believe it myself ” another nurse replied from afar .

My heart was pounding , I kept on praying de-ep down inside me asking God to answer my prayers.

” Where are the family of Mr Mike? ” the doctor asked . Just then aunty Amara got up from where she was seated and rushed to the doctor .

” Here we are ” she replied , holding Ada’s hands.

” Follow me inside ” he replied . I was standing outside the hospital , my head was heavy, my heart was pounding , I was sweating and scared .

” Could it be that God in heaven has finally answered my prayers ?” I thought to myself .

I was still in thought when I sighted nurse jen , I rushed up to her holding her white clothes .

” Nurse Jen. The man the doctor rushed in to the hospital is he …” Nurse Jen caught me shut and said ;

” He is not dead but alive . Your uncle mike is alive . You should be inside with them , beside he said he wants to see his family ”

” I can’t stand aunty Amara . She will kill me when she sees me around him” I replied sadly.

” Come on let me take you to see him ” nurse Jen replied .

I followed her to the hospital room and found uncle mike . His eyes were opened. When he saw me, he smiled and closed back his eyes .

” Madam , The God of Ben has saved your husband from dying . Your son Ben has prayed and God has done it not for him alone but for you all ” nurse Jen said to aunty Amara.

” Ben’s God you said . Ha,ha,ha” Aunty Amara laughed.

“Who told you I am not a Christian? Who told you I don’t go to church ? God has saved my husband from the hands of an evil child . Don’t tell me his God saved my husband ” Aunty Amara added.

Nurse Jen bec@m£ speechless and walked out of the hospital room . I quic-kly followed her .

” Nurse Jen , where is your mother ?” I asked .

“My mother is in this same hospital in ward thirteen” she replied.

” Can we go and pray for her ? ” I asked

” Hmmmmm, Ben , the doctor and I has confirmed that , there’s nothing one can do to safe her life . She just have some months to live ” nurse Jen spoke out in tears .

” You don’t have to cry nurse Jen, if God can do it for the dead , why can’t he do it for the living ” I asked .

She took me to her mother and we prayed for her . After praying for nurse Jen mother we both left the ward and went back to the ward of uncle mike .

” Ada , go home and have your bath, and tell chioma to prepare some light for your father. and take that evil child with you home ” aunty Amara spoke.

” Who are you calling an evil child? ” uncle mike spoke .

” Sweetheart, you are awake?” Aunty Amara asked in a cool voice .

” If there’s anyone here that will be call with such name it should be you Amara . Yes! It should be you!. You are an evil woman with a devilish heart . When I get better from here you will know me too well ” uncle mike replied pointing his f!ngersat her.

” Sir, you have to take it easy , you don’t have to shout . Beside you just recovered ” nurse Jen spoke out.

Aunty Amara angrily left the hospital room calling Ada her daughter . I was inside the hospital room about to greet uncle mike when Ada c@m£.

” Ben, my mom wants to see you” I followed Ada outside leaving nurse Jen with Uncle Mike .

Reaching to the door , aunty Amara landed two dirty sl@p on my face , I held my face and slowly tears dr!pp£ddown from my eyes to the floor .

” You want to destroy my home right ?” She sparked, pu-lling my ears with her hands .

She was madly angry at me . ” Take him home by the time I got home I will teach him a lesson of his life ” aunty Amara added hitting my head to the wall .

I was crying in pains , tears couldn’t st©p from puring down my eyes. I was in pains , I was in tears , blood was rushing down my forehead . I was only a child whose parents left to die . I cried so bitterly as I gently followed Ada behind to the house…

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