
Thursday, April 18, 2024




'Who is that?'  The voice queried.

At that point I didn't know whether to proceed or turn back cos I was still by the gate . I looked up and one thing I thanked God for at that moment was the fact that it wasn't the beasty looking guy that spoke, he had entered the main building running errands or something, it was his boss that spoke, I mean the man that drove in. 

I froze, my eyes were still glued to his even though he was standing upstairs...

'Ehen? did you miss your way here? Who are you looking for??'  He queried rolling his eyes.

'Sorry sir. I'm here to see my uncle Mr Nelson, he gave me this address sometime ago in the village ' I said, almost peeing in my pants.

'Will you get out of this place before I release the dogs on you? My friend check the next building or get lost  ' he r@ged still staring at me.

'Sorry sir' I said. 

I ran outside as fast as my legs could carry before the beast by the gate would come out, with my legs almost touching the back of my head. I found an abandoned store down the road then finally branched to re-energize before running to the junction to take a bike or a cab home. I sat on a broken chair with my head in between my legs seriously panting, while hot sweat found it's way from my head down.

'U. G' A voice called. 

I looked up, it was Ariana. 

'See, count me out of this whole nonsense. You will just disappear and leave me alone to decide for myself. You're a ghost for crying out loud you should be able to do all these things yourself. I no do again ' I let out angrily

'I knew you wouldn't get into trouble. We're almost there. Please can you go back and help rescue my father? He might be killed any moment from now. He hasn't been feeding well and has been indoor for months. From now on I promise I'll stand by you through all these' Ariana begged. 

At this point  I started to cry. 

'Abi is it because I've been a disobedient child to my father that's why I'm going through all these?  Of all the people in this world why must it be me? ' I thought to myself, sobbing.

'And if I back out?' I queried looking at her with my teary eyes.

'You won't even get to your house before you lose your life'  She threatened.

'Wahala! ' I let out in tears, placing my two hands on my head. 

'Sorry' she said, in a soft tone.

'Abeg shift, useless ghost ' I muttered to myself while eyeing her. 

I finally got up, dusting my trousers. I proceeded to the same building I ran away from while Ariana followed. 

'I don't really know why I'm doing this myself but ,one thing must kill a man '..I thought to myself shaking my head. 

I arrived the gate, it was still slightly open, then I sneaked in again. As soon as i  sneaked in I hid behind the security house where the beasty looking guy stays. The man that drove me out earlier was still around. I was trying to squeeze myself in properly in an empty space when I heard the beasty looking guy's voice.

'I thought I locked this gate' He said to himself. 

He peeped through the space in between the gates but he saw no one, then he bolted the gate from the inside. I was still where I hid behind the security house, fidgeting when Ariana appeared. 

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite's.

'Go close to the backyard, my daddy is somewhere there' she said

'Shhhhh, bring your voice down ' I whispered. 

'He can't hear me,dumbass' she Said folding her arms.

'Me dumbass? Oya come and rescue your father yourself ' I whispered out of anger. 

' Sorry' she apologised. 

I tiptoed down to the back of the building while Ariana followed then I hid somewhere. 

'Somebody help, somebody help' A faint voice begged from inside of the building. 

'Tade Williams, you have no choice than to sign these documents. I don't even know what your problem is. Sign these and regain your freedom ' Another voice said from the inside 

'Never!  I know you guys are going to kill me after all. You've killed my father and my only daughter, just go ahead and kill me too. Out of the 47 lands we own you've taken 32. Go ahead and do your worse I dare you. As for the documents, I'm not signing anymore documents. Shoot me bast@rd' The first voice said. 

'That's my father ' said Ariana, then continued... 'Please you'll have to go in through the back door, it's open.' 

I looked at her and shook my head. No turning back at this point so I needed to try and rescue him.

I tiptoed and then opened the back door slowly, I went in. As soon as i stepped in the man that had driven me out opened the door to the room where Ariana's father was kept. I hurried under the staircase then squatted, he climbed down, went outside and after a few seconds I heard him drive out. 

'He's gone ' said Ariana 

I hurried upstairs and stood by the corridor, wondering which door to open when Ariana appeared. 

'That door! He forgot to remove the keys' She said pointing at it. 

I moved closer and opened the door, I went in. 

'Please don't kill me!  Please don't kill me!! ' Ariana's father begged. '

'Shhhhh, I'm not here to kill but to help. Your daughter Ariana led me here' I whispered.

'How?  Who are you? She's dead' he said looking at me like someone who was out of his senses.

'Her ghost led me here. She's standing right before you.Please let's get out of here first then I'll tell you all you need to know  ' I whispered again.

'I don't understand anything' he said staring at me.

I carried him up then supported him. I gently opened the door and we climbed down slowly, he was looking so lean and pale. Slowly we walked through the corridor down to the back door but as soon as i opened the back door there stood two giant dogs almost my height, barking at me with their saliva dripping mouths.

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