
Thursday, April 18, 2024




They entered my bedroom one after the other, then the one who led them in raised his gun and pointed it directly at me. 

Ariana appeared and then the guy who pointed the gun shouted all of a sudden 'Jesus!  Run!! Run!!! ' 

Then another guy said at the top of his voice 'the guy Na ghost, that guy Na ghost'..

 They ended up running out of my apartment without looking back. 

Then I turned to Ariana... 

'What just happened? ' I asked. 

'Well, maybe you became invincible ' she replied 

'I don't care whatever just happened OK?  I'm backing out ' I said angrily still shocked while packing a few of my things inside my small bag. 

'You know it's too late to back out right? ' she asked. 

'Well, watch me! ' I replied angrily. I left my apartment and opened the gate with the spare key with me,the road was quite deserted though but I just wanted to leave the house for my friends place. What if those guys come back?  I thought to myself. I kept running down the street then all of a sudden, a car hit me from behind, I landed on my back but no injury was sustained. Ariana appeared again... 

'Next time you try to back out, you won't like what will happen ' she threatened. 
'Look I'm so sorry all this is happening, we've accomplished two missions already, can you just help me out on the last one? ' she begged. 

I looked at her, dusted myself,hanged my bag and then proceeded without saying a word to her...I ran as fast as my legs could carry to my friends place. 

The following afternoon I dressed up and headed to the hospital to see her dad. When I got there he greeted me and prayed for me, and then asked me where and how I met his daughter's ghost, I explained everything to him and told him I had been attacked the previous night,he felt bad. 

'But, how did it all happen? ' I asked him. 

'Hmmm' he Sighed. 

'I'm the only child of my parents. When I was 20 years old I travelled to the U. K for my university education. My late father was doing so well and had so many establishments that he couldn't run on his own so he brought his younger brother and son to help him take care of some of them till I'm back and of age. 

But I returned home after fifteen years with my daughter for the first time when r0bbers attacked us, sh0t my daughter and my dad and then took me away. It was later I got to find out that it is that my father's younger brother's family that is behind the whole thing. The guy who kidn@pped me, I mean the guy whom you think is the owner of Reeky mall is actually my father's younger brother's son, he's my cousin and Reeky mall is one of my father's establishments. '

'What?! ' I exclaimed  

He continued 

'Yes! As a matter of fact I leave everything for God to judge, I don't have power of my own to f!ght them and as soon as i recover, I'll go in search of my mom and take her to the U. K with me and I'm not sure we are ever going to come back. I pray she's still alive and well '

'You're going to abandon everything? ' I queried. 

'What would you have me do? ' he probed.

Ariana appeared.. 

'Tell my dad he's never going to back out, that you're here to help avenge grandpa's death' she instructed. 

'Sir, Ariana said you're not backing out. Well I'm here to help avenge your fathers death ' I said to him. 

He struggled to get up from the bed but I held him down. 

 'Ariana is here? ' he asked. 

'Yes sir, she's standing right before you ' I replied. 

'Please can I talk to her? Tell her I love her, let me just see her one last time ' he said while tears rolled down his face. 

'Tell him I love him too, but my wish is to avenge grandpa's death' she Said. 

'She said she loves you too but her wish is to avenge her grandpa's death'  I said to her dad. 

'Tell him to send you to his childhood friend, he's a commissioner of police, and tell him he's alive and also, who is behind all that has happened. ' Ariana said .

Then I told the man just as Ariana had said. Immediately, he asked me to go to the commissioners office, wrote something in a piece of paper and asked me to give it to him. 

By Blessing-Enejo Abrahams Elleywrite's.

I left for the commissioners office, waited for like 3 hrs before he finally showed up. He invited me into his office and I handed the piece of paper to him,i didn't even bother to read the content before handing it over. 

'What? He's alive? Where's he? ' he queried with popped eyes.

'In the hospital sir' I replied.

 'Take me there at once' he commanded. 

We arrived the hospital that evening And as soon as he saw Ariana's father they hugged each other tightly. 

'I thought you were dead' The commissioner said amidst tears. 

Ariana's father explained all that had happened to him and the commissioner promised to come back to the hospital the following day so they could go after the perpetrators. 

The following day we all met at the hospital and went in search of that his cousin at Reeky mall. We arrived there and he was sitted in his office. We marched straight into his office and the commissioner ordered his boys to cuff him. He was cuffed and as soon as he saw me and Ariana's father who insisted on following us, he stood still before us and said to me.

 'I knew you were behind his release. Even though I traced you home, you still escaped my boys you dumb fool'.

He grabbed one of the police officers guπs and pointed it at me and almost fired, but another officer shot him from behind and he d!ed on the spot.My heart was in my mouth and I immediately started hearing one of Mercy Chinwo's songs in my head. 

'And the other person? ' The commissioner asked Arianas father 

Ariana appeared... '

'Tell my dad the other man is in grandpa's house ' she said. 

Then I told them as instructed and we proceeded to her grandpa's house. 

But while in the car I kept wondering which of the grandpa's house Ariana meant. Could it be my apartment?  I hope that this ghost of a girl hasn't set me up? 

'God please have mercy and deliver me. I promise to start worshipping you diligently and also join the choir and ushering team as soon as you deliver me from all these ' I prayed silently...

To be continued!

Do not copy without giving credit to the writer. 

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