
Monday, May 20, 2024



This statue is believed to be one of the few surviving sculptures of the famous queen...  

As the least "Egyptianized" example, it may indeed be a faithful, contemporary portrait made during her lifetime…

Despite the damage, this statue provides us with the best opportunity to see what Cleopatra VII may have actually looked like…

None of the statues attributed to Cleopatra are authentically inscribed with her name, so to identify a sculpture as hers, we need to look at both style and iconography…

According to genetic analyses, E-V13 and E-M34 (E1b1b) are Ancient Greek and Macedonian haplogroups…

According to Cruciani et al. (2004), E-M34 has its highest concentration in Ethiopia and Somalia…

“Greeks are found to have a substantial relatedness to sub-Saharan (Ethiopian) people”

“Genetic distances are closer between Greeks and Ethiopian / Sub-Saharan groups than to any other Mediterranean group and finally Greeks cluster with Ethiopians/sub-Saharans in both neighbour joining dendrograms and correspondence analyses. The time period when these relationships might have occurred was ancient but uncertain and might be related to the displacement of Egyptian-Ethiopian people living in pharaonic Egypt”

Modern whites were born in the Bronze Age between 3300 B.C. and 1200 B.C. after a large wave of immigration by a nomadic people known as Yamnaya who came from the Russian steppe (Pontic-Caspian Steppe)

“This is where we begin. We see that a large part of the modern European genetically start here,” says study leader Eske Willerslev, who is a professor at the Centre for GeoGenetics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark.

The real issue at hand is NOT that whites are native to Europe—that has already been proven false…

Rather, the issue is WHEN they arrived in Europe…

The initial make-up of classical Greek society—as well as Roman society, was of course, the indigenous Blacks (E1b1b) plus the white invaders (Germanic & Slavic tribes from Central Asia / R1b) 

The first whites arrived circa 1,200 B.C.

They became part of the indigenous Greek and Roman cultures... 

Central Asian whites migrated into Greece and Italy circa 1,200 B.C. and over time, they were successfully absorbed into Black Europe and around 500 B.C. Mulattos like Cleopatra were commonplace...

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