
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Dead Queen and her Son Episode 1

The Dead Queen and her Son

Episode 1
One day, a king was killed by his own son, far far away in a very peaceful small village surrounded by mountains, there was a very wise king who had two grown sons. The two sons was very obedient to their father, likewise the queen.

When the king was getting old, it was time for him to choose who will be the heir to the throne, it was a very hard decision for him because the two sons were born on same day, they were twins,

 One of the sons was more loved by his father, which means that the king will definitely hand over the throne to the son he love before his death.

So one fateful night while the king was far asleep, one of his son took a knife and sneaked into the kings room, he checked and realized that no one was watching, so he went closer to his father and stabbed his father with a knife, immediately the king open his eyes and saw that it was his own son who stabbed him’

“Ahhh, my son why did you do this, the king managed to speak while struggling with his life.

“Am sorry father, I have to do this. I need the throne, the son replied.

“Ahhhh, my son if the throne is yours, then let the gods grant it to you, but if the throne is not yours, then let the gods show you no mercy, the king said and died.this story is written by Raphael.Creative.Pen

The son quickly took the knife and placed it silently on the hand of the queen who was also asleep, making it look like the queen was responsible for the evil act.

The son sneaked out of the room without been noticed by any guards.

The next morning, very early. As tradition demands, the guards went to wake the king like usual, but they met the king dead, and found a knife in the hands of the queen who was sleeping.

“Oh no, they freeze. The king is dead, everyone!!! The king has been killed by the queen, the guards shouted.

Soon everyone at the palace gathered at the king room to witness the incident, including the two sons of the king.

“Please am innocent, I did not kill the king, I don’t have any idea how the knife got into my hands, the queen cried.

Shut your mouth woman, the evidence is already in your hands, you killed my father, the first son said to his mother.

No my son, I can never do such an evil thing your father, please trust me, the queen begged.

The second son went closer to the queen and said, “Mom please tell me the truth, are you responsible for this?

“Please look into my eyes, do you think I can hurt an ant, or even talk of killing a human being, the queen said.

“Please everyone my mother is innocent, like how do you people think she can do such an act, she is innocent, the second son said politely.

“And how do you know she is innocent, when she has a knife in her hands, the first son said to his brother.

Justice for the king!! Justice for the king!!! The people began shouting, then a palace elder came and instructed everyone to stay quiet.

“” as our tradition demands, who ever kills must be killed in revenge, so let the queen be buried alive, the elder said.

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