
Thursday, May 2, 2024

This seated scribe is one of the most recognizable artifacts of ancient Kemet (Egypt). But who is he and why is he so famous? Why is he the most recognizable artifact of ancient Kemet and why did modern Egyptians feel he was important enough to place him on their currency?

This seated scribe is one of the most recognizable artifacts of ancient Kemet (Egypt). But who is he and why is he so famous? Why is he the most recognizable artifact of ancient Kemet and why did modern Egyptians feel he was important enough to place him on their currency?

This seated scribe statue is considered to be the icon of all scribe statues and one of the most important symbols to the Arab Republic of Egypt and the most promoted of all sculptures at the Cairo Museum. It is called the “Cairo Scribe” and is carved in painted limestone. It was unearthed in 1893 at the Saqqara necropolis.

Unfortunately we don’t know the name of this scribe, don't know what he accomplished in his lifetime and actually dont know a single fact about his life. There is no documentation of the excavation of this discovery and no glyphs on the artifact which tell us who he is. The Central Bank of Egypt issued 200 Egyptian pounds that depict the statue of the Seated scribe in 2007. These banknotes are still in circulation."

This unknown, "lowly scribe" is famous only for his fair skin and Asiatic features. Not for any accomplishments during his lifetime because not even his name is known. his importance as been over exaggerated and he is put on a pedestal because he promotes the fallacy of a non-black African civilization and reinforces the lies of racist Egyptologist.

Considering the fact that the early 19th century was considered to be the age of forgeries and Egytomania, it is not completely out of the realm of possibilities that this is simply a bad forgery. For a detailed lecture of the horrible forgery of Rahotep and Nofret follow the link below.

The statue was supposedly found in Lower Kemet in the Delta, a region which was settled by Asiatics during the back to Africa migrations and absorbed into the ancient African Pharaonic Kingdom of Upper Kemet by Narmer in 3100 BCE. Although ruled from the south by the Black African Elite, the Empire of Kemet had a multicultural society, so he was not an invader as some would like to believe. He held a respectable position in society and although he was not a priestly scribe and merely a lowly scribe, this was still an important job.

As a empire which ruled over many regions not only in Africa but also in the near East and Anatolia, it was not at all out of the ordinary to employ people of foreign origin and in some cases even allow them within royal court. This was for diplomatic relations and strategy. Kemet was an Empire which influenced and interacted with the entire ancient world. And while the "Seated Scribe" may not have been directly related to the Pharaonic Kings of the South he was indeed part of Kemetic civilization. 

Old Kingdom, 5th Dynasty, ca. 2494-2345 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 30272; CG 36

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In 2018 Professor K. Godde conducted one of the largest genetic studies to date in the Nile Valley which documented the ethnic make up of the original populations of the Nile Valley as well as the difference of ethnic makes up between those that lived in the Delta and the native Nile Valley Africans that lived in Upper Egypt which was the regions responsible for creating the civilization now known as ancient Egypt. Godde published the biologic similarities between the population of Upper Egypt and Sudan as well as the biological differences between those in Upper Egypt and Sudan and the populations who inhabited the Delta region. Her study shows close genetic and biological similarities between ancient Upper Egyptians and ancient Sudanese while also examining and explaining the biological difference these two similar groups had with populations who inhabited the Delta region along the coastlines of the Mediterranean Sea. 

“The process of the peopling of the Nile Valley likely the population structure and early biological similarity of Egyptians and Nubians…In 2005, Keita proffered a novel method to view Nubian-Egyptian relationships; he suggested that military interactions could not alone account for the biological similarities among the two populations. Rather, Keita (2005) saw the relationship as a continuum, dating back to the late Pleistocene and mid-Holocene, placing importance on the peopling of the Nile Valley as the initial cause for genetic similarity…The long history of contact between Egypt and Nubia is documented in the archaeological record…The extensive contact has led to detectable genetic and therefore skeletal and dental similarities among the two populations…For example, a closer affinity has been detected of the wealthy Nubian A-Group to elite Egyptians than elite Egyptians were to other Egyptians (Prowse and Lovell, 1996).

A new analysis interpreting Nilotic relationships and peopling of the Nile Valley:

In Layman's terms, in times of antiquity there was little to no genetic difference between Nubians and Upper Egyptians, and the Nubian A-Group shared more genetic affinity with the early Upper Egyptian Elite than the Upper Egyptian Elite shared with Lower Egypt. The difference in genetic make up of Lower Egypt is due to genetic flow from the Levant via the Delta. 

"King of Upper Kemet…Beautiful is the Ka-Soul of Ra who appears in Waset"

"I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds." ~ 35th & 36th Principals of Ma'at

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