
Saturday, July 20, 2024



The 1761 muster roll of Capt. Barnaby Byrn's company of New York provincial troops shows that those men were mostly born in Europe, and many of whom were so called Black and Brown skinned…

Black and brown skinned Europeans, were indistinguishable from black and brown skinned Africans…

Here is an excerpt from 1837 that supports that assertion:—

“A remarkable fact in the history of Loango [Congo] is that the country contains—according to a statement which was fully credited by Oldendorp, himself a writer of most correct judgment and of unimpeachable veracity, many Jews [Portuguese] settled in the country, who retain their religious rites, and the distinct habits which keep them isolated from other nations. Though thus separate from the African population, they are black, and resemble the other Negroes in every respect as to physical characters.”


(James Cowles Prichard, Researches Into the Physical History of Mankind: Ethnography of the African races; 1837)

The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States from 1861 to 1865, fought between the northern United States (loyal to the Union) and the southern United States (that had seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy) 

During the American Civil War, the Union Army referred to the United States Army, the land force that fought to preserve the Union of the collective states...

Also known as the Federal Army, it proved essential to the preservation of the United States as a working, viable republic...

The Union Army was made up of the permanent regular army of the United States...

The Union Army fought and ultimately triumphed over the efforts of the Confederate States Army in the American Civil War...

Lying Eurocentricks told us that “The United States Colored Troops” were regiments in the United States Army composed primarily of former slaves…

This is of course complete nonsense and a bald faced lie intended to hide the fact that the soldiers in the UNION ARMY were so called Black European American men...

Who would be dumb enough to believe that Lincoln would free slaves (alleged Africans who spoke only Niger-Congo languages) to use them in the Army, when there were already millions of able-bodied so called black European American freemen who spoke English ready at his disposal?????

Could Lincoln or any of his Army generals, lieutenants or colonels speak Niger-Congo languages fluent enough to communicate with and give instructions to their former slave soldiers?????

Could former slaves who were illiterate and only spoke Niger-Congo languages understand English and speak it fluent enough to communicate back???

Was a language barrier non existent on the battlefield???

The so called “United States colored troops” were not Africans, and were never former slaves, indentured servants? Possibly.

The so called “United States colored troops” was comprised of over 180,000 so called black European American men...

Where did these men come from and his did they arrive in the States???

The Transportation Act 1717 was an Act that established a regulated, bonded system to transport criminals to colonies in North America for indentured service, as a punishment for those convicted or attained in Great Britain and Scotland…

England transported its convicts and political prisoners, as well as prisoners of war from Scotland and Ireland, to its overseas colonies in the Americas from the 1610s until early in the American Revolution in 1776…

Also, the Highland Clearances (ethnic cleansings) were the evictions of a significant number of tenants in the Scottish Highlands and Islands, mostly from 1750 to 1860…

Penal transportation or transportation was the relocation of convicted criminals, or other persons regarded as undesirable, to a distant place, often a colony for a specified term; later, specifically established penal colonies became their destination...

While the prisoners may have been released once the sentences were served, they generally did not have the resources to return home...

Many offenders thus stayed in the American Colonies as free persons or “free negroes”

Contrary to what whites teach, indentured servitude did not only involve whites, it was the means by which the British Isles and continental Europe rid itself of it's so called Black citizens—their "Ethnic Cleansing”

As freely admitted by whites the prisoners of those wars were shipped off to the United states and the Caribbean Islands as "Indentured Servants"

They just don't admit that the vast majority were so called Blacks, or that those wars were really Race Wars NOT "Religious Wars"

Over time, all so called Black survivors were shipped off to the United states and the Caribbean Islands as "Indentured Servants" and Europe was thus "Cleansed" Black people…

“And although the “black heathen” were expelled from these islands many centuries ago, and although, as a distinct race, they have almost vanished from Europe”


(David MacRitchie, "Ancient & Modern Britons Vol. 1"; 1884)

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