
Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pregnant for a ghost 5

Pregnant for a ghost 5 (final episode)
A story written by Mmesoma Blessing.

Okechukwu's mother stood among the crowd, her heart breaking as she saw her son in bed with Amaka. With anger running inside her, she stormed into the room, dragging both Okechukwu and Amaka out. Amaka hurriedly tied her wrapper, using her hands to hide face in shame.

"Is this what you've been doing with all the young children in the neighborhood? Taking advantage of them like this?" one of the women in the crowd questioned.

Amaka stood there, feeling the weight of her actions. She looked pleadingly at the ghost, silently begging for mercy. "I'm willing to bear your child, please, save me from this nightmare," she pleaded with the ghost. Sadly, it was too late, as she had already followed the native doctor's instructions to rid herself of the pregnancy and the haunting ghost.

Unbeknownst to Amaka, the ghost had visited Henry, revealing her evil plan and instructing him to gather people to expose her. Henry obeyed the ghost's instructions and was glad he didn't fall into Amaka's evil plan. And that is how the people ended up at Amaka's doorstep.

The ghost vanished after blowing something into the air, leaving Amaka to face the wrath of the angry crowd.

As she stood there, something hit her as began to confess. Amaka revealed the shocking truth about her sleeping with the ghost of a dead man and how she used the water collected from cleaning his dead body to prepare her famous Jollof rice. Even more troubling was her admission that those who consumed her food lost their destiny, unknowingly contributing to the growth of her business.

The crowd was left speechless, realizing that many of them had fallen victim to her cursed food. Fueled by anger and betrayal, the crowd joined hands to deliver harsh beatings on Amaka.

Amidst the confusion, a horrifying sight unfolded as a dead child with the face of a goat came out of Amaka's stomach, sending everyone into a shock of screams.

Amaka, desperate to escape the angry crowd, made a dash out of the compound, heading towards the shrine of the native doctor for safety. However, tragedy struck as she was hit by a car on her way, leading to her untimely death.

The shocked crowd , seeking help, called upon a pastor who prayed with them and took away the dead child that had came out of Amaka's stomach. Through the pastor's prayers, some of those present experienced healing, but others who had unknowingly consumed her cursed food were left to bear the heartbreaking fate of losing their destinies.

The news of what happened spread throughout the city, serving as a reminder for people to be careful on what they eat and highlighting the dangers of impatience, which can be as dangerous as a sharpened knife.

The end

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